Add this command to your TF2 launch options with the actual refresh rate of your monitor. -reuse—Try this command if you have issues with network performance and high ping. It is very technical and activates reuse of the network sockets. -audiolanguage english—When you want the audio to b...
Get ready for intense plays, insane moments, and high-stakes battles LIVE on LegãoTV! This is a showdown you don’t want to miss! When? March 2nd & March 9th at 9pm BRT // 7pm EST // 12am GMT Where? On the LegãoTV Twitch channel! Mark your calendars and don't miss out ...
Arena: Players spawn only at the beginning of the round, with no respawning. After a set time, a neutral control point unlocks, which can be captured to win the round. If all members of a team die, that team loses the round. Hasfirst bloodand automated team assignment/shuffling by defau...
Some color fixes (progress bar, MvM lobby, stats, server highlight color) Changed one TF2 Secondary font back to TF2 Build Added target avatar image to vote panel Competitive stuff isn't fully finished yet, but it shouldn't crash the game anymore.ToonHUD...
If the jump is not made with proper timing, you do not achieve a high jump, and only move a few feet. While in the air, you can extend the length of your jump using the Chargin' Targe, Splendid Screen, or Tide Turner. An alternative way to cannon jump is to burn the fuse until...
Get ready for intense plays, insane moments, and high-stakes battles LIVE on LegãoTV! This is a showdown you don’t want to miss! When? March 2nd & March 9th at 9pm BRT // 7pm EST // 12am GMT Where? On the LegãoTV Twitch channel! Mark your calendars and don't miss out ...
January 2024 The Source engine used in the Orange Box games has an enhanced version of the net graph. Net Graph ConVar control net_graph Base command to configure how net_graph is displayed 0 = No graph (default) 1 = Draw basic netgraph (text only) [areas 3, 4, 6 and 7] ...
分享19赞 军团要塞吧 想象之中dcd tf2 常用物品中英文对照Decal Tool 贴纸工具 Backpack Expander 背包扩充工具 Gift Wrap 礼物包装Description Tag描述标签 Dueling Mini-Game 迷你游戏决斗 Name Tag名称标签 Secret Saxton神秘的圣诞老人 Pile o' Gifts一堆礼物Shred Alert 丝警报High Five!击掌... 分享26赞 3atoys...
The action you have requested is limited to users in one of the groups:Users,Moderators. You must confirm your email address before editing pages. Please set and validate your email address through youruser preferences. You can view and copy the source of this page. ...
The party tab also shows the party chat, a special chat only visible for the members of the party. Clicking in any profile image shows an option to open the matchmaking settings, which allows to configure the party invite mode, ping limit, and to ignore party invites. Main tab The Mai...