True, but considering the context I still personally think it may be notable. However it is likely documented in another wiki anyway.Finnodile(talk) 23:47, 2 December 2024 (UTC) The heavy is dead “ HEAVY IS DEAD! Click to listen ...
7721 3 2:51 App 半年才舍出来heavy is dead汉化版 876 1 3:01 App 【TF2 Avalon】Doctor Sex演绎了拜见医生(最后被打断了 492 -- 3:32 App [SFM] 如何修复懒紫在使用SFM时遇到的问题 513 16 1:08 App 【论战】柏妮思VS火焰兵(略抽象) 643 -- 0:11 App fire fire fire 2040 1 1:06...
Additionally, the Spycrab has a page on Know Your Meme. FriendliesAn archetypal friendly Heavy, or "Hoovy", ready to share his Sandvich."Friendly" is a broad term concerning a group of players and their mannerisms, typically used to describe a subsection of the player base that opt to ...
【Zhain Custom Weapons】TF2 Heavy Infinite Minigun 转发 5 29 TF2Video 01月11日 · 投稿了视频 关注 00:48 642观看 1弹幕 【Zhain Custom Weapons】TF2 Pyro shoots Hot Water 转发 6 17 TF2Video 01月11日 · 投稿了视频 关注 11:02 605观看 1弹幕 【Nogika】TF2 Players Have No Brain ...
This user is a Heavy. “Which one of you is crying?!” This user is a Soldier. “Maggots!” This user overuses user boxes. This user supports Steam as a content delivery system. g This user plays Garry's Mod. This user has collected 8 (out of the 239 currently available) ...
Rage Heavy 指某些玩家在游戏接连失利后,改换当机枪手,以此作为最后手段,希望能借助机枪手的强大火力轻松地击杀敌人,反败为胜。 也可以用来形容其他兵种,例如某玩家被间谍的背刺虐到抓狂后改当火焰兵的“Rage Pyro"。 Rage hacks 一种hacking行为,其目的是尽可能多的杀敌和制造麻烦,并且丝毫不掩饰作弊。 另...
Head of the Dead Headband Headcase Headcase (disambiguation) Headhunter's Brim Headless Horseshoes (halloween spell) Headphones Heads-up display Headshot Headtaker's Hood Heal Grenade Healing Health Health (Classic) Heat of Winter Heather Campbell Heavy Heavy's Bottomless Bass (halloween spell) Heavy...
Head of the Dead (create)Head-Trimmer (create)Headcase (create)Headcase (disambiguation) (create)Headhunter's Brim (create)Health (Classic) (create)Heather Campbell (create)Heavy (competitive) (create)Heavy Harness (create)Heavy Heating (create)...
is straightforward; it is a caricatured drawing of the character with their mouth jammed full of objects that usually pertain to aspects of that character. For example, a Gentlemen variation for the[[Heavy]]may involve a caricature of the Heavy with his custom bullets crammed into his mouth ...
Using voice commands in a humorous way (such as using the "No" voice command to respond to "The Sniper is a Spy!" or repeatedly using the "Help!" voice command as the Heavy). Giving Sandviches or other edibles to enemies as a Heavy. Starting a group or two-player taunt, such as...