As the camera pans out from the Engineer at 1:12, a BLU Pyro is killed next to the Sentry Gun, but a Sniper death sound is made. At 1:16, a set of rockets are launched from the location of the Level 2 Sentry Gun.See alsoMeet...
"Kill-Death Ratio" 或 "Kill Assist Death Ratio" 的縮寫,即殺敵/死亡比值,通常以整數形式(27 殺敵:7 死亡)或小數形式(1.75 KDR)表示。而對於醫護兵,其統計方式應該是助攻/死亡比值,因為醫護兵的主要職責是治療隊友。 K.G.B./KGB 殺人拳套(Killing Gloves of Boxing)的縮寫。
Engineer Erectin a River 1 45909 Dec +3 TF2 Engineer TF2 SPRAYS achievement_bots 1 64020 Nov +4 TF2 Achievement dm_duel_pro_rc4 1 31219 Nov +4 TF2 Death Match cp_warpath2 67619 Nov +4 TF2 Control Point CS 1.6 SKINS Klaymen 3 57102 Jun ...
One lucky class is going to get a full-fledged class pack in a future update! New weapons! New balancing! New achievements! It could be Heavy. Or it could be Pyro. But it's not gonna be both! Here's how it works. The next time you start the game, you'll be asked to pick a...
Hello! Today we are launching a beta branch of TF2 that has support for VScript in the vscript_test branch. This is a big issue to collate feedback from Mappers/Server Hosts for the TF2 implementation. Instead of filing individual issues...
Implemented unique killfeed icon for Engineer building destruction (Hunter R. Thompson) Updated the Harvester: Afterburn tick heals while active no longer apply while crit is ready Crit now instantly heals for 195HP upon hit A sound cue audible to all players now plays when crit is ready ...
Don't have the ordinance you need to finish a weapon-specific contract? Don't worry! (Seriously, calm down.) Now you can borrow it for the duration of the contract, thanks to Mann Co's new community outreach program for wayward guns, theLoaner Program! Give double-donking a try! Lob...
Machine voices aren't translated, or some taunts such as Spy High Five, or Heavy Laugh Taunt. Here is a video preview (shows taunts/voices/death sounds) [Does not show everything, it's just a preview] === If this mod become popular, I might do the missing sounds (the ones you ...
Engineer Heavy Occurs when the Sentry Gun of an Engineer gets a kill and awards 1 point to the Engineer. Can also be assisted. SuicideMain article: SuicideScout bid farewell, cruel world! Adds a death to the player's score. Occurs when the player types kill or explode into the console,...
The act of voteslaying the Activator in Death Run Mode for preventing fun. Portmanteau of "Slay" and "Gayle." Snoipah Humorous slang for the Sniper in his own accent. Solly Slang for the Soldier. Spah Humorous slang term for a Spy, derived from the Engineer's pronunciation of the word...