Shoot rockets at the feet of your opponents to make the explosions more effective and damage a few guys at once; Shoot a rocket just under your Soldier to perform hisRocket Jump. It’s a good way to move faster on the map or reach some nice positions. Scout This guy combines a great ...
"Way to go, slugger!"强击手,好样的! "Yes!"好啊! "Oh yeah!"哦耶! "Ooooh yeah, you're real scary!"喔喔喔耶,你真的好吓人喔! "Hey, lotta' good that gun didya!"嘿,你那枪不是还挺好用的吗! "Oh hey! You suck."噢嘿!你个废物! "Yeah, it's ours now!"好,这下是我们的了!
Scout vs Pyro(match-ups) A Pyro can be one of the more deadly opponents you can face, depending on the terrain around you. In general, however, they are very easy to deal with. Just stay out of range (which is easy as you are faster) of the Flamethrower and blast away as much ...
Hype Mode: Hype mode allows the player (as theScout) to perform 5 additional air jumps (6 in total) while the effect is active. A magenta glow is applied to the player's active weapon. The only item to cause this effect is the Soda Popper. The player has to inflict damage with any...
The Sniper Rifle cannot deal random critical hits. Outside of headshots, only the Kritzkrieg, First Blood buff, crit boosts from Humiliation, Halloween pumpkins, and Intelligence captures will allow your Rifle to score critical bodyshots. Standing still while zoomed in will make you an easy tar...
如何取得: While obtaining a domination is relatively easy, getting close enough to hit your victim with Jarate without being killed is another story. Launch your Jarate while flanked by teammates to avoid being singled out. 滲透轟炸只丟一個罐子就擊中 4 名敵人。 難度: 容易如何取得: T...
So I'll start from the beginning. Evaldas is an excellent contributor this grand base of TF2-based knowledge. Although he doesn't contribute in the most traditional way, one doesn't have to go far to see what he has done for this Wiki, visually speaking. While he has come under some...
Difficulty: EasyHow to obtain: After consuming Bonk! Atomic Punch, use it to negate a large amount of gunfire, such as that from a Sentry Gun or Heavy. Give yourself enough time to retreat to a safe area before the effects wear off; if you get caught in harm's way under the effect...
(I hope I'm following correct wiki format) If I may just make a statement: The trivia sections are, like said before, just a very easy way for people new here, like me, to contribute. However, to have the trivia section, we need the better editors to clean them up and put most ...
Pushing from your left is usually an easy way to fail your push, since it is very easy to get spammed. It is a good idea to uber your demo and scout through right roller door, and have your roamer try to pop them as quickly as possible. Ubering the demo and scout allows the ...