(shounic trenches: / discord join future experiments / shounic patreon channel project status https://trello.com/b/L3B65jUX random feedback https://forms.gle/bkuGF6attQrRPc6o9 custom files (hud / crosshairs / hitsound / killsound / gfx cfg) https://pastebin.com/...
CFG: https://mastercomfig.com Hitsound: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pgbm57kdpk7u2l2/AAB-6Z_RghtSunCo7LwD2zsPa?dl=0 蓝奏云:https://zxrone.lanzoum.com/iGvb90ahyf0h Damage text: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3yvq84r7zfz6vai/AAAPy5dvNU4ulP3FxX77uEaha?dl=0 蓝奏云:https://zxr...
how longDollielives with one hit point, how dangerousUncle Daneis with critz enabled, as well as more, far worse ideas. There’s nothing this mod can’t do!*
Added add_custom_viewpunch_onhit attribute The item schema is now automatically reloaded upon disconnecting from a server Fixed global disguise class portraits on the HUD displaying blue team’s ones instead when cloaked Fixed missing particle when landing from a jump pad as a global disguise spy...
Repo for the current revision of the custom weapons - Merge pull request #121 from Reagy/indev-5.6r1 · Reagy/TF2Classic-KO-Custom-Weapons@ac57881
Custom Hit Sounds can be installed by placing a sound file in tf\custom\customfolder\sound\ui folder (the customfolder folder is just an example; it can be any other folder with a different name, as long as it's not the main sound file's location folder). The custom Hit Sound must ...
One lucky class is going to get a full-fledged class pack in a future update! New weapons! New balancing! New achievements! It could be Heavy. Or it could be Pyro. But it's not gonna be both! Here's how it works. The next time you start the game, you'll be asked to pick a...
After opening its interface, you can click the icon to choose the "Record video and audio" mode so that you can record video on Team Fortress 2 with sound. Step 2 Adjust Custom Settings Once you click the gear icon near the "REC" button, a settings window will unfold and you will be...
Removed a custom texture since it wasn't needed Minor clipping changes Added an ammo pack to the cave Removed a few pumpkin bombs since they hurt player movement too much Added a loss-coverage program for Red team Cleaned up some waste ...