TF2 Monitor does not have quite the same goals as those previous projects, and while it does have a feature to automatically call votekicks on accounts marked as Bots, the purpose is not just for the automation of removing bad actors from the game. Instead, it is simply a desktop app des...
Hello! Today we are launching a beta branch of TF2 that has support for VScript in the vscript_test branch. This is a big issue to collate feedback from Mappers/Server Hosts for the TF2 implementation. Instead of filing individual issues...
bot_command bot01 "voicemenu 0 0" 命令机器人01号使用语音菜单中的0 0选项 例子2 2 bot_command bot01 "taunt" 命令机器人01号使用嘲讽动作 切换指令与bot_command不能同时生效,但是使用bot_forcefireweapon指令,可以让所有机器人切换到指定武器并且不停开火,也可以让它们停止开火。当然,你只能强制命令指定并...
addcond 66- Bots will ignore the player even if the player bumps into a bot when disguised or cloaked addcond 72- Gives the player an effect that enhance their reload speed, firing speed, movement speed and grants infinite double jumps addcond 73- Gives the player the Quick-Fix ÜberChar...
Open console and type "tf_bot_add <number>" as above to add botsYou can use bots on any map on which you have performed the above steps without having to repeat them, except for entering the "tf_bot_add <number>" command each time you want to add bots. ...
AI bots only work properly for most official King of the Hill maps, some Payload maps, Attack/Defend maps Dustbowl and Gorge, Capture the Flag maps, and Mann Manor (on the latter two, bots can only be added by using the tf_bot_add command in the console). The use of AI bots on ...
這指令亦可用在電腦人上,鍵入<tt>bot_command X</tt>即可。"<tt>addcond</tt>"指令後必須要打入一個參數,比方說<tt>addcond 5</tt>,玩家就會有醫療槍電量的效果在身上。不同的參數有不同的效果,詳見下表。 *<tt>0</tt>: [[Civilian|平民狀態]] *<tt>1</tt>: [[Sniper Rifle/zh-hant|狙擊...
bot_command bot01 "voicemenu 0 0" Example 2 bot_command bot01 "taunt" The slot commands (slot1, slot2, etc.) do not work with bot_command, however with bot_forcefireweapon, you can make all bots in that class switch to that weapon and start firing, then make them stop. You can...
The duration of the condition can be set by following the command with a second number, such as addcond 5 10, where 10 is the duration in seconds. The effects can usually be removed via removecond followed by the corresponding number, and bots can be given conditions by using bot_command...
If bots are compression blasted on an incline while moving, they will stop in place until air blasted again. The button for spawning Heavies is not working properly. This is most likely a script error, as adding an AI Heavy bot requires the command "tf_bot_add HeavyWeapons", while a ...