Letters: Annie Halfacree Colours: Stuart Place Later Reprinted By: Transformers Collected Comics #7 [UK], Titan Books: Dinobot Hunt [Worldwide], IDW Publishing: Dinobots #3 plus a subsequent trade paperback [Worldwide].Synopsis: Sideswipe's team had nearly secured Grimlock when Sludge arrived....
CURRENT TRANSFORMERS COMICS FROM IDW PUBLISHING The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye | #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #Annual | #10 | More than Meets the Eye #1: Liars A to D, Part 1: How to Say Goodbye and Mean It Published Date: January 2012...
Seriously, I myself don't live on an English-speaking country but I care for the feeling of the stuff I write, and no offense meant to Loco and his art (which is amazing) but some of the lines on his comics are really bad... for the lack of a better word to describe it. But...
Steven rolled his eyes with a quiet sigh. The ancient chair he sat in squeaked loudly when he pushed it back to stand, knuckling his back as if stretching while hiding his true intentions.… Begging For Attention Ch. 02 Posted onOctober 1, 2023byHeather Graham—No Comments ↓ ...
A disgruntled Scorponok learns of Skywatch's plans for the other Dynobots, and orders that this time the program be done in such a way as to let Red think they are under his control when they really belong to the Machination. Scorponok will use them to destroy Grimlock...Characters...
Ravage, along with Rumble (again, the blue guy due to Hasbro's mind fark) and Laserbeak were the original three Cassette-ta-cons that appeared in the first episode of the cartoons in the 80's. Like the cartoons, in the follow up comics, he's the ultimate "ground spy" (Laserbeak wa...
DActors created a comic interaction when they forgot what to say. 4 Improvisation was also made easier because all the commedia charactersemployedstandard lazzi- repeated bits of physical comic activity or "business." Capitano, for example, would get entangled with his sword. (Twentieth-century fil...
This story is about to open a can of worms. As was reported, Steven Caple Jr was interested in continuing his story after directing Rise of the Beasts, getting ready for the GI Joe crossover film. However, when the project was announced at Cinemacon, only Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Steven...
Honeymoon, Jacobs's new book, is narrower in scope [than By This Shall You Know Him], but in many ways even stranger and more impressive." - Gabriel Winslow-Yost, The New York Review of Books"Jacobs makes some of the most intricate, most fascinating, and oddest stories in comics today...
When Eric came back to school,everyone behaved like nothing had happened.But I was(10) B .It was just a matter of time before someone was ignored again.Who was it?Me! "Don't say Hi to CiCi,everyone – we're ignoring her." But Eric didn't.He looked at them...