Bernama报导,TF AMD 董事总经理兼企业副总裁Neoh Soon Ee表示,位于Batu Kawan工业园的新设施将是其在槟城的第二座工厂,预计将在高效能计算解决方案的先进半导体工程、设计和制程技术方面创造超过3,000个就业机会。 马来西亚国际贸易暨工业部(MITI)表示,马来西亚投资发展局(MIDA)向TF AMD 递交核准函,其在槟城的扩产...
TF-AMD Microelectronics plans to expand its manufacturing facility in Penang with the construction of a second site at Batu Kawan Industrial Park, Penang. A move set to create more than 3,000 new jobs. The company is investing MYR 2 billion (about EUR 436.7 million) in the new manufacturing...