In music, texture is the way the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition (Benward & Saker 2003, 131), thus determining the overall quality of sound of a piece. Texture is often described in regards to the density, or thickness, and range, or width between ...
Also, students were given artificial textures such as soft, sharp, wavy ones as well as the organic textures, and they were asked to use the ones which they have found to associate with the music they have listened to. The students in Visual Arts Education have created textures on three ...
The manipulation of texture in a new consonant musicLuís Pedro H M Soldado
Understand monophonic texture. Learn the definition of monophonic texture in music and see monophonic examples. Compare monophony, polyphony, and...
5.The quality given to a piece of art, literature, or music by the interrelationship of its elements:"The baroque influence in his music is clear here, with the harmonic complexity and texture"(Rachelle Roe). tr.v.tex·tured,tex·tur·ing,tex·tures ...
2. 口感the way food or drink tastes or feels in your mouth, for example whether it is rough, smooth, light, heavy, etc. 3. (音乐或文学的)谐和统一感,神韵the way that different parts of a piece of music or literature are combined to create a final impression...
The purpose of this study was to examine graduate and undergraduate music majors' ability to detect pitch arid rhythm errors in one-, two-, and three-part settings of texturally contrasting musical excerpts. A stimulus audiotape consisting of 12 excerpts resulted from the following arrangement by...
e.g. Earthworms consume large amounts of soil, and produce a rich humus, perfect in texture. 蚯蚓吃下大量土壤,排出肥力丰富、物理结构理想的腐殖质。 3、 (音乐、文学作品的)神韵,谐和统一(感) The texture of a piece of music or a work of literature is the impression that it makes on you ...
This texture is best described as a form of monophony, in which one basic melody is played or sung by two or more parts simultaneously in a different rhythm or tempo. Heterophony is characteristic of many forms of non-Western music, like theGamelan music of IndonesiaorJapanese Gagaku. ...