textmeshpro input field 复制粘贴在Unity中,使用TextMeshPro的InputField组件可以实现复制粘贴功能。首先需要引入UnityEngine.UI和TMPro命名空间,然后创建一个InputField对象,并为其添加一个TextMeshPro组件。接下来,可以通过以下代码实现复制粘贴功能: csharp using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; ...
可以看到,它被划分为三个区域,分别是文本输入区(Text Input)、主要设置区(Main Settings)以及额外设置区(Extra Settings)。 文本输入区(Text Input) 用来输入需要展示的文本,同时它也支持富文本标签(Rich Text Tag),定义的标签需要包含在 “<”和“>” 字符中间,类似于HTML。例如 <b>Bold</b> //粗体 <colo...
[AddComponentMenu("UI/TextMeshPro - Input Field", 11)] public class TMP_InputField : Selectable, IMoveHandler, IPointerDownHandler, IPointerUpHandler, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, ISelectHandler, IDeselectHandler, IUpdateSelectedHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler,...
Package version 3.1.0-exp.7 Environment *OS: Windows 11*Unity version: 2022.3.19f1*Graphics API: URP*Browser: Microsoft Edge Steps To Reproduce Render Stream into the project Select a Text Mesh Pro input field Attempt keyboard input and it doesn't work Manually add the define directive to t...
ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when using TextMeshPro Input Field with custom validator - Jul 22, 2024 How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached “TestUnityInputField.zip” project 2. Open the “SampleScene” 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Copy the Text “ABC” from t...
Enter any supported rich text tags in the TextMeshPro Text input field, inline with the text you want to display.To disable rich text for a TextMesh Pro object:Open the TextMesh Pro GameObject in the Inspector, and disable the Text Mesh Pro > Extra Settings > Rich Text...
(newText);// Clear Input FieldTMP_ChatInput.text=string.Empty;vartimeNow=System.DateTime.Now;TMP_ChatOutput.text+="[<#FFFF80>"+timeNow.Hour.ToString("d2")+":"+timeNow.Minute.ToString("d2")+":"+timeNow.Second.ToString("d2")+"</color>] "+newText+"\n";TMP_ChatInput.Activate...
When auto size is enabled, you can specify a minimum and maximum size. TextMesh Pro will figure out which size to use, by performing layout multiple times until it finds the best fit. The final font size is shown in the font size input field. ...
Fixed OnScroll event not getting passed to potential parent ScrollRect when the Input Field is in Single Line mode. Case #1270241 Fixed Prefab override context menu to override or revert changes not being available for some text object properties. Case #1271420 The sampling point size in the ...