PowerQuery和TextJoin函数的使用小秘籍,常用的表格结构转换案例!发布于 2022-10-25 20:17 · 1.1 万次播放 赞同5添加评论 分享收藏喜欢 举报 Power QueryMicrosoft ExcelExcel 技巧Excel 公式 写下你的评论... 还没有评论,发表第一个评论吧...
TEXTJOIN 函数将多个区域和/或字符串的文本组合起来,并包括你在要组合的各文本值之间指定的分隔符。 如果分隔符是空的文本字符串,则此函数将有效连接这些区域。 注意:如果具有 Office 2019 或Microsoft 365 订阅,则可在 Windows 或 Mac 上使用此功能。 如果你是 Microsoft 365 订阅者,请确保拥有最新版本的 Office...
Hello, I am needing some help to make a spilling conditional textjoin. I can do this in power query no worries but thats not an option in this case, it has to be done by formula and it must spill. The basic requirement is I want to concatenate the values in B2# if the value in ...
Power中的TEXTJOIN(IF语句阵列) 、、、 我有一个数据,我在excel中使用TEXTJOIN实现了这个结果。该函数看起来如下: 我如何在Power BI中实现这一点?在Excel中,我将数据转换为Table,然后按CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER (作为数组)以获得结果。 浏览3提问于2022-10-19得票数 0 ...
New in Excel 2019* is the TEXTJOIN Function. It's the grown-up sibling of CONCATENATE. Both TEXTJOIN and CONCATENATE join text together, but TEXTJOIN enables you to more easily join a list or range of cells including a delimiter that you want to insert between each text value. ...
=TEXTJOIN(",",,VLOOKUP(C10,F5:I8,{2,3,4},FALSE)) You can try this formula. Formula used: =TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10),,VLOOKUP(Sheet1!A2,Master!A:N,{3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14},0)) here I need column 4 and 5 to appear in the same line (no need to separate it in differ...
First, add an index column in Power Query then add the following column using DAX in your data model Column = VAR __IND = Table1[Index] RETURN CONCATENATEX( CALCULATETABLE( VALUES(Table1[QUARTER]), Table1[Index] >= __IND && Table1[Index] < __IND + 4, REMOVEFILTERS(Table1) ...
First, add an index column in Power Query then add the following column using DAX in your data model Column = VAR __IND = Table1[Index] RETURN CONCATENATEX( CALCULATETABLE( VALUES(Table1[QUARTER]), Table1[Index] >= __IND && Table1[Index] < __IND + 4, REMOVEFILTERS(Table1...
It opens the PowerQuery Editor, you need now to select the column Name (the first column) In the menu Transform, select Group By. A new window is open, and I fill the fields as shown bellow New column name: AGGNAME Operation: All Rows Click OK Now you h...
in 分组的行 透视 这个也要用到,我们讲过的Power Query组内编号,然后使用组内编号透视列,然后再合并列。 第一步:组内编号 先分组>添加组内编号>展开表 第二步:透视列 删除多余的全索引列,使用组内编号透视列 第三步:合并列 使用逗号做分隔符合并选中的列 ...