无法自己测试(很遗憾我没有TEXTJOIN())但最近我在这里回答了一个相当类似的问题 所以请尝试:...
TEXTJOIN IF multiple criteria To combine the content of multiple cells with multiple conditions, you can again utilize the TEXTJOIN and IF functions together. To evaluate multiple criteria, nest them within IF's logical text using the asterisk (*) as the AND operator. This way, you'll get th...
谷歌工作表: ArrayFormula w/ Multiple Conditions 谷歌工作表:带CountBlank的ArrayFormula 我需要"textJoin“谷歌工作表中的多个查找 谷歌工作表中带有多个IF的添加函数的ArrayFormula 谷歌工作表和xPath 将Arrayformula与textjoin结合使用以消除分隔符 谷歌工作表查询和‘不在’ 谷歌工作表YouTube链接和名称 如何使用谷歌工...
2 conditions condition formula table textjoin unique Replies: 5 Forum: Excel Questions TEXTJOIN IF ISBLANK I am attempting to pull the categories that names are found in, and have it working all but for blank/missing names. =TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,UNIQUE(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A1,'Master'!C:C...
I am trying to return multiple values from a table based on two different conditions. In my current formula below it is giving me the return of C5 (month) and C6 (sport), but I want it to return the values that fit C5 and C6 together (only the chosen sports in the chosen...
谷歌工作表: ArrayFormula w/ Multiple Conditions 谷歌工作表中带有多个IF的添加函数的ArrayFormula 谷歌工作表-范围 CopyTo谷歌工作表 谷歌工作表ImportHTML表数据 ArrayFormula强制将新数据放到工作表底部 谷歌工作表全球onEdit 谷歌工作表和xPath 谷歌工作表事件"onEdit“ iPhone谷歌工作表按钮 谷歌工作表ImportXML失败...
Combine text and numbers from multiple cells with Excel TEXTJOIN function. 7 examples, basic to advanced. Videos, written steps, workbooks. Excel 365
谷歌工作表: ArrayFormula w/ Multiple Conditions 谷歌工作表:带CountBlank的ArrayFormula 我需要"textJoin“谷歌工作表中的多个查找 谷歌工作表中带有多个IF的添加函数的ArrayFormula 谷歌工作表和xPath 将Arrayformula与textjoin结合使用以消除分隔符 谷歌工作表查询和‘不在’ ...
我一直在使用TEXTJOIN函数在谷歌页与If条件。当我应用下面的公式时,它在=1中工作得很好 =ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(" ",TRUE,IF(B2:N2=1,$B$1:$N$1 & "?"=ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(" ",TRUE,IF(B2:N2=0,$B$1:$N$1 & "?",""))) 浏览3提问于2021-05-06得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 ArrayFormula...