Facts About Texting and Driving and Distracted Driving Statistics Around 3,000 people die in accidents involving a distracted driver each year. (CDC) Answering a text takes away your attention for about five seconds. Traveling at 55 mph, that's enough time to travel the length of a football ...
” There’s also room to convince yourself that texting and driving accidents were caused by other factors that are in your control: “You think, Maybe they looked down too long or were not an experienced enough driver,” explainsDr. Judi Cinéas, who practices in Palm Beach, Fla. “That...
which is a worrying trend. UK statistics are somewhat difficult to get, but there are plenty of worldwide stats around. In the US theNational Safety Councilestimates that cell phone use contributes to 1.6 million crashes per year and that 25% of accidents are caused by texting and driving,...
America has a dangerous epidemic of distracted driving that can strongly increase the risk of harm to everyone on the roads. With the rise of the Digital Age, texting and driving has become particularly commonplace, and it comes at a terrible price.
The article presents an overview of the dangers that are associated with sending or receiving text messages while driving an automobile. A discussion of statistics which are concerned with the relationship between automobile ...
sending more than 100 texts a day. The same study found that 26 percent of US teens admit to texting while driving. And the National Safety Council announced in January of this year that nearly 30 percent of all auto accidents were primarily caused by using a cell phone while driving. ...
Texting and driving has become one of the most dangerous things a driver can do. Our comprehensive guide goes into great detail explaining this and way more.
True or False: Texting and Driving is 6 Times More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving/DUI? Manywebsiteswill cite the statistic that texting and driving is six times more likely to cause car accidents when compared to drunk driving. Some attribute the statistic to the National Highway Traffic Safety ...
Texting and driving are not a good marriage.Since 18 percent of all fatal automobile accidents are caused by distracted driving, it’s a good idea to learn to ignore your phone when you’re behind the wheel. It’s not easy or convenient, but it’s one of the most worthwhile habits you...
Free Essay: Dangers Of Texting Many people, mainly teenagers, text while driving and don’t think to consider the safety of themselves and others. Some...