Federation of European Screen Printers Associations. We are the organiser of the world’s leading screen printing and digital imaging exhibitions.
Textile, Fabrics & Yarns - United States trade shows, find and compare 370 expos, trade fairs and exhibitions to go - Reviews, Ratings, Timings, Entry Ticket Fees, Schedule, Calendar, Venue, Editions, Visitors Profile, Exhibitor Information etc. List of
Textile, Apparel and Clothing: Exhibitions & Conferences Textile, Apparel and Clothing trade shows are an ideal opportunity for apparel designers and manufacturers to showcase their inventiveness and create a buzz about themselves. Every year, around 500+ apparel trade shows and clothing trade fairs ...
Join the next edition as we arrive back at the iconic Kensington Olympia in London,11-13 February 2024. Eventis UK’s one of the most prominent event revolving around fashion-buzz and apparel and accessories. This event reveals products like women’s wear, menswear, young fashion, footwear and...
200 square meters, both indoors and outdoors, tailored to accommodate extensive exhibitions. Set within the vicinity of three hotels and a prominent mall, the arena is strategically located near the Dubai International Airport. Additionally, it offers the convenience of over 1200 free parking spaces....
2024日本东京国际服装面料辅料展览会TEXTILE TOKYO 【基本信息】 春季时间:2024年04月17日-19日 展会地点:日本东京有明国际展览中心 主办单位:Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd(日本励展) 推荐指数:日本维一的纺织面料展-五星推荐 展出面积:50000平方米,参展商1250家 【市场介绍】 东京国际服装面料展览会将是您进入日本市...
With over 100 exhibitors, the fair aims to expand with each event becoming a major influence in MENA Regions fashion scene, with exhibitors mainly from Turkey, Uzbekistan, China, India, Poland, UK, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Austria, Japan, Thailand and more, making it a unique ...
Posted in Events, Exhibitions, Uncategorized | Tagged British Museum, carpets, embroidery, Taiwan, weaving Mise-en-abyme in historical textiles, a talk by Kenneth Hayes – Online Thursday 12th Sept 24 Posted on September 6, 2024 by oatginstagram We’re gearing up for our next OATG talk ...
秋季时间:2024年10月15-17日 展会地点:东京有明国际展览中心(TOKYO BIG SIGHT) 主办单位:Reed ExhibitionsJapan Ltd(日本励展) 组展单位:上海贸升展览服务有限公司—日本展服务商 推荐指数:☆☆☆---日本唯一的纺织面料展 市场介绍 东京国际服装面料展览会将是您进入日本市场的**时机。日本是世界上*大的进口国,...
展出时间:2025年03月26-28日(春季) 2024年10月15-17日(秋季) 主办单位:Reed Exhibitions 举办地址:亚洲 - 日本 日本东京有明国际会展中心 举办周期: 1年2届,展览面积: 80000㎡,展商数量:1250家,观众数量: 45000人 展会介绍 日本东京纺织面料展览会(FAWTOKYO)作为日本国内唯一的专业纺织面料展。该展每年都吸...