Disposal and Recycling of Textiles - Textile Technology - 13doi:10.3139/9783446433472.012Textile TechnologyDisposal and Recycling of Textiles
However, environmental legislation obliges industries to eliminate color from their dye-containing effluents, before disposal into water bodies [9,12]. The textile industry consumes a substantial amount of water in its manufacturing processes used mainly in the dyeing and finishing operations of the ...
General Recycled has created a true closed-loop and cost-effective recycling program for the proper disposal and reuse of aramid workwear. The company wants the industry to see that the solution is here because garments made using recycled content are cheaper, provide increased thermal insu...
Conventional wastewater treatment methods cannot overcome and decompose these toxic wastes; therefore, numerous modern approaches have been studied and implemented for pollutant degradation to be suitable for environmental disposal. Membranes and photocatalysis have proven their significant effect on the ...
The Ministry of ecology and sustainable development of France issued a draft bill entitled "recycling and disposal of waste products for new textile and clothing products, shoes and household linen" in September 11, 2007 (Bulletin No. G/TBT/N/FRA/66), according to the China WTO/TBT advisory...
It automatically sorts waste textiles by fiber composition and color using near-infrared light and visual spectroscopy (NIR/VIS), which makes it possible to handle large flows and produce textile fractions that are adapted to different recycling processes [111]. The approach used is that waste ...
s largest producers of solid waste, which requires significant levels of treatment before it can be disposed of. Establishing the final destination of such waste products has become a big problem for modern society, particularly due to the environmental issues associated with textile sludge disposal....
waste disposal, wearing signs, storage, and housekeeping rules (Cahn & Clifford,2014; Soomro et al.2015) . Moreover, their regularity of salary, working hour, enough rest periods, medical and injury treatment centers, proper ventilation and adequate lighting, social security compensation, and labo...
embroidery technology; stitching, joining and fastening technology and materials; product processing and finishing; energy, air conditioning, disposal and recycling; quality control; internal material flow; textile logistics; information technology; services, consultancy and training; and research and dev...
In the end-of-life phase, three baseline scenarios were assumed to analyze the impact of different waste disposal methods on carbon storage: (1) 100% incineration; (2) 100% landfill; (3) 60% incineration and 40% landfill. For the incineration scenario, the carbon stored in the product ...