A strong example of this is the Fourier Transform, used to determine the frequency spectrum of a waveform, which may be applied with equal validity to any kind of wave. Sinusoidal Vibrations If a rotating wheel is unbalanced by the presence of an off-center mass, the resulting vibration will...
The detected level near the vessel wall will certainly register less than at the center, but the level detected mid-way between the vessel wall and vessel center may not be an accurate average of those two heights. Moreover, this angle may decrease over time if mechanical vibrations cause the...
Mechanical Vibrations and Condition Monitoring presents a collection of data and insights on the study of mechanical vibrations for the predictive maintenance of machinery. Seven chapters cover the foundations of mechanical vibrations, spectrum analysis, instruments, causes and effects of vibration, ...
These differences in tone, as well, are a result of different harmonic content produced by differences in the mechanical vibrations of an instrument’s parts. All these instruments produce harmonic frequencies (whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency) when a single note is played, but t...
Using a form of Tank Circuit While reed-type meters are imprecise, their operational principle is not. In lieu of mechanical resonance, we may substitute electrical resonance and design a frequency meter using aninductorandcapacitorin the form of a tank circuit (parallel inductor and capacitor). ...