echo preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $_GET["text"]); but still everything is on one line. So my best guess is that HTML textareas use a different newline character... can anybody shed some light on the subject? EDIT Ok, so I've figured out the problem: The Javascript is...
image.png image.png 无奈只能自己写方法去兼容下,这里说清楚了原因,应该都能写出兼容方法了,我就粘贴个我自己写的: dealCurrentMaxLen(str,maxLen){//Handle incorrect character count due to newline on iosif(Unit.isIos()&&isMobile){letreg=newRegExp(/\n/g);letlineNum=str.match(reg);returnlineNum?
In HTML, the wrap attribute on a textarea tag specifies how the submitted text value should be wrapped. Wrapping adds a newline character to the end of each line.
'\r' (13, 0x0D) 回车(return)'\n' (10,0x0A) 换行(newline)在windows系统下,回车换行符号是"\r\n", 但是在Linux等系统下是没有"\r" 原创 7176 阅读 点赞 评论 换行符 Marydon 632 天前 非原创windows保留\r\n作为换行符的原因: 回车键为什么叫回车键,大家有想过没有,字面意思是回去的车子...
With an input value of"#Title \n text"in your<TextInput>component, the value ofthis.props.childrenis actually"#Title \\n text"(notice the double backslash), you need to do something like the following to correctly output the newline character: ...
Test Newline\n after newline """+r"""Literal String: {'Test'} [\"String\"] """) self.text_area.setCharacterWidth(80) self.text_area.setVisibleLines(8) self.method_list = ListBox() self.method_list.setName("hello") self.method_list.setVisibleItemCount(1)formethodinself.methods: ...
With theplaceholderattribute, you can add a placeholder, as in all input fields. Themaxlenghtspecifies the maximum number of characters allowed.colsdefines the "width" of a textarea by a number of the average character width (default value is 20) androwsdefines the height of a textarea by ...
functionupdate(text){letresult_element=document.querySelector("#highlighting-content");// Handle final newlines (see article)if(text[text.length-1]=="\n"){// If the last character is a newline charactertext+=" ";// Add a placeholder space character to the final line}// Update coderesu...
}// The "word" is a series of symbols.else{while(!Character.isWhitespace(ch) && !doc.isIdentifierChar(languageIndex, ch) && ch!=Segment.DONE) { ch = seg.previous(); } }if(ch==Segment.DONE) {returnstart;// Removed last "token" of the line} ...