Instead of using the row attribute for adjusting text area height, using comparison between scroll height and element height results in a better fit. Created a new componentAutoExpandingTextArea.tsxwhich wrapsTextAreafrom vanilla react component library, taking in a dynamic prop to cater for auto ...
width: 100%; height: auto; padding: 5px; border:1px solid #ccc; } .textarea:empty:before{ content: attr(placeholder); color:#bbb; } .textarea:focus:before{ content:none; } 大功告成!
Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit text. - jackmoore/autosize
vartextarea=document.getElementById('fit2') varpre=document.getElementById('fit1'); pre.innerHTML=textarea.value; varrealHeight=pre.offsetHeight;//offsetHeight = height + padding + border if(realHeight>120)'px';//加24为一行的高度,减32为padding和...
max-height: none; max-inline-size: none; max-width: none; min-block-size: 0px; min-height: 0px; min-inline-size: 0px; min-width: 0px; mix-blend-mode: normal; object-fit: fill; object-position 50%: 50%; object-view-box: none; offset-anchor: auto; offset-distance: 0px; offs...
Auto-resize to fit content James Padolsey has a super nice jQuery script forauto resizing textareas. It works just how you likely hope it does. The textarea starts out a normal reasonable size. As you type more and more content, the textarea expands to include all of that text, rather...
The expand on text content cannot be done with simple CSS - you need JS to determine the height of the content and adjust the parent container accordingly. The only way you can keep height: 100% on the parent container is if its ancestor has a height set (e.g. 10...
locale(key,isContent,group,file) } export default { data() { return { pageData:{ page:{ wechatFit:true }, body:{ //class:'wy-bg-grey' }, foot:{ show:true } }, result:[ '继承原有的功能集中管理操作' ].join('\n\n'), formModel:{ inputs:[ {name:'textarea',title:'多行...
functiontextAreaApp fig = uifigure; g = uigridlayout(fig,[3 3]); g.RowHeight = {'fit','fit','fit'}; g.ColumnWidth = {'1x','fit','1x'}; lbl = uilabel(g,"Text","Enter Comments:"); lbl.Layout.Row = 1; lbl.Layout.Column = 2; txa = uitextarea(g); txa.Layout.Row...
content of theTextArea. This JavaScript object has a read-only propertyboundingHeight, from which we can retrieve the height of thetextRangeas a pixel value. So we only have to divide theboundingHeightof thetextRangeby thelineHeight(as pixel value) of theTextAreato get the number of lines...