自然语言处理工具Macropodus,基于Albert+BiLSTM+CRF深度学习网络架构,中文分词,词性标注,命名实体识别,新词发现,关键词,文本摘要,文本相似度,科学计算器,中文数字阿拉伯数字(罗马数字)转换,中文繁简转换,拼音转换。tookit(tool) of NLP,CWS(chinese word segnm
The Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Cohesion 2.0: Integrating semantic similarity and text overlapdoi:10.3758/S13428-018-1142-4Scott A. CrossleyKristopher KyleMihai DascaluBehav Res Methods
CLIPPyX is a powerful system-wide image search and management tool that offers versatile search options to find images based on their content, text, and visual similarity. With its advanced features, you can effortlessly locate the desired images across your entire computer's disk(s), regardless...
We have developed Categorizer, a tool that classifies genes into user-defined groups (categories) and calculates p-values for the enrichment of the categories. Categorizer identifies the biologically best-fit category for each gene by taking advantage of a specialized semantic similarity measure for ...
E-SICT: An Efficient Similarity and Identity Matrix Calculating Tooltypes of women who cheat will my husband cheat again gowhy do husbands have affairs what to do when husband cheatshow to cheat why wife cheat how to spot a cheaterwife cheated on me reasons why husbands cheat married men ...
Previously (Hahnke et al., J Comput Chem 2010, 31, 2810) we introduced the concept of nonlinear dimensionality reduction for canonization of two-dimensional layouts of molecular graphs as foundation for text-based similarity searching using our Pharmacophore Alignment Search Tool (PhAST), a ligand-...
The Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Cohesion 2.0: Integrating semantic similarity and text overlapCoherenceCohesionEssay qualityNatural language processingSpeaking proficiencyThis article introduces the second version of the Tool for the Automatic Analysis of Cohesion (TAACO 2.0). Like its predecessor, ...
A tool for semantic relation extraction. The program finds pairs of semantically related words based on the text definitions coming from the Wikipedia articles (other texts may be also used). The extraction method implemented in this system is based on three similarity measures (cosine, gloss overl...
自然语言处理工具Macropodus,基于Albert+BiLSTM+CRF深度学习网络架构,中文分词,词性标注,命名实体识别,新词发现,关键词,文本摘要,文本相似度,科学计算器,中文数字阿拉伯数字(罗马数字)转换,中文繁简转换,拼音转换。tookit(tool) of NLP,CWS(chinese word segnm
关键词抽取使用的是textrank, 边关系构建: 1. 字向量构建句向量; 2. 余弦相似度计算边得分 importmacropodussent="斗鱼属,Macropodus (1801),鲈形目斗鱼科的一属鱼类。本属鱼类通称斗鱼。因喜斗而得名。分布于亚洲东南部。中国有2种,即叉尾斗鱼,分布于长江及以南各省;叉尾斗鱼,分布于辽河到珠江流域。其喜...