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这里DALL-E-2试图在Glide的Text-Conditional Diffusion Models中再加入Clip Image Embeddingzi(非Clip Image Encoder的输出,而是Prior的输出)的conditioning,则能实现P(x|zi,y)。通过两种方法实现,一是将Image Embeddingziadd 到 timestep embeddingt上(一种positional encoding),二是跟Glide里类似的将Image Embeddingzi...
神经网络中的自回归模型,将联合概率拆成了条件概率累乘的形式。 diffusion models:生成扩散模型 diffusion models名字来源于热力学的启发,工作原理从本质上来说是通过连续添加高斯噪声来破坏训练数据,然后通过反转这个噪声过程,来学习恢复数据。 它是Encoder-Decoder架构的模型,分为扩散阶段和逆扩散阶段。 在扩散阶段,通过...
② 一种生成建模框架——Diffusion models,它利用一种guidance技术,以样本多样性为代价提高了样本保真度。 Recent progress in computer vision has been driven by scaling models on large datasets of captioned images collected from the internet . Within this framework,CLIP has emerged as a successful represent...
Conditional Text Image Generation with Diffusion Models Yuanzhi Zhu, Zhaohai Li, Tianwei Wang, Mengchao He, Cong Yao† Alibaba DAMO Academy, Hangzhou, China. {z.yuanzhi, zhaohai.li, wangtw}@foxmail.com, mengchao.hmc@alibaba-inc.com, yaocong2010@gmail.com. Abstract Current text...
[论文代码阅读]ControlNet: Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models 2.4万播放 CogVideo:从文本直接生成视频 2444播放 XTuner 微调 LLM:1.8B、多模态、Agent 7069播放 大模型微调数据构造(补充课程) 1.1万播放 chatGLM2-6B-华驼数据集微调 中文医学指令微调 云服务器实现 4254播放 微调Llama...
在现有的研究中,如Stanford的ICCV 2023论文《Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models》中,提出的ControlNet是一个有效的条件控制机制。ControlNet通过锁定(locking)预训练扩散模型的参数,并在其编码层上制作一个可训练的副本(trainable copy),同时引入零卷积层(zero convolutions)来连接这些层。这...
1.Adding Conditional Control to Text-to-Image Diffusion Models 论文地址:https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.05543.pdf 开源地址:https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet (该项目已有2.4万stars) 作者单位:斯坦福大学 这篇论文研究内容是为扩散模型(如 Stable Diffusion)添加额外的条件控制,核心思想是在文本描述之外...
semantics and style, while varying the non-essential details absent from the image representation. We use diffusion models for the decoder and experiment with both autoregressive and diffusion models for the prior, finding that the latter are computationally more efficient and produce higher-quality ...
Text-to-image diffusion models have achieved tremendous success in the field of controllable image generation, while also coming along with issues of privacy leakage and data copyrights. Membership inference arises in these contexts as a potential auditing method for detecting unauthorized data usage. ...