CSS3text-wrap属性 作用:text-wrap属性规定文本的换行(折行)规则。 语法: text-wrap:normal|none|unrestricted|suppress; normal:只在允许的换行点进行换行。 none:不换行。元素无法容纳的文本会溢出。 unrestricted:在任意两个字符间换行。 suppress:压缩元素中的换行。浏览器只在行中没有其他有效换行点时进行换行。
利用.text-wrap类可以让文字折行。 This text should wrap. <divclass="badge badge-primary text-wrap"style="width: 6rem;">This text should wrap.</div> 使用.text-nowrap类可以防止文字折行。 This text should overflow the parent. <divclass="text-nowrap bd-highlight"style="width: 8rem;">This...
1 How to wrap specific text around an image? 3 Text Wrap around an image 148 How to wrap text around an image using HTML/CSS 2 How to wrap a div containing text around a div containing an image? 1 How to make the text wrap an image? 0 How to wrap text around image? 2 How ...
CSS 中文开发手册 溢出包装 | overflow-wrap (Text) - CSS 中文开发手册 该overflow-wrapCSS属性指定浏览器是否应该向语句中插入换行符,以防止文本溢出其内容框。与word-break相反,如果整个单词不能在没有溢出的情况下放在自己的行上,overflow-
<div class="text-nowrap bg-body-secondary border" style="width: 8rem;"> This text should overflow the parent. </div> Word break Prevent long strings of text from breaking your components’ layout by using .text-break to set word-wrap: break-word and word-break: break-word. We use ...
TextBoxTightWrapValues TextDirection TextDirectionValues TextEffect TextEffectValues TextInput TextType TextWrappingValues ThemeColorValues ThemeFontLanguages ThemeFontValues TitlePage TopBorder TopLeftToBottomRightCellBorder TopLinePunctuation TopMargin TopMarginDiv TopRightToBottomLeftCellBorder TrackChangeType Tr...
Wrap up and next stepsAfter reading this tutorial you should be able to customize toolbar, perform operations on editor, add new type of content and test your changes.Our {footer} macro can be enchanted with new features, example ideas: convert {footer} to appropriate HTML in Visual mode ...
"math-auto" In this example, we use pure HTML markupto a math formula: html to Clipboardplay <div> (<span class="math-id">sin</span> <span class="math-id">x<span>)<sup >2</sup > + (<span class="math-id">cos</span> <span class="math-id">x</span>)<...