For example, the transcription on the design direction using the needs’ analysis on a pregnant office lady in her 20’s was summarized ‘Design direction for comfortable wear considering a situation where it is difficult due to insomnia and frequent bathroom visits’. After that, core context ...
Image, Text, Stone Materiale Textkulturen Schriftenreihe des Sonderforschungsbereichs 933 Herausgegeben von Ludger Lieb Wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Jan Christian Gertz, Markus Hilgert, Hanna Liss, Bernd Schneidmüller, Melanie Trede und Christian Witschel Band 36 Image, Text, Stone Intermedial ...
Ausgehend von dieser Referenz auf Thomas Pynchons The Crying of Lot 49 (1966) imaginiert Thomas Hettche, Herausgeber der Netz-Anthologie NULL, im Jahr 1999 die Streifzüge seines Teams an Autor*innen durch einen digitalen und virtuellen Raum: Das frühe Cyberspace, verstanden als räumliche ...
3. »Work it«: Text-Musik-Bild-Bezüge In diesem Kapitel soll anhand von drei Hauptbeispielen – den Clips zu Missy Elliotts »Work it« (2002), Coldplays »The scientist« (2002) sowie Björks »Bachelorette« (1999) – aufgezeigt werden, in welch unterschiedlichen ...
“But, my lady–” I interposed. “Gregor?” She entered the next open corridor and ascended a few steps of the dark stair-way; then she threw her arms about me with passionate tenderness and kissed me. “Oh, Severin, you were very wise. You are much more dangerous as slave than I...
“He was an unfortunate young man,” said Von Taunitz, sighing gently and shaking his head. “What a lot one must suffer and think about before one brings oneself to take one’s own life, . . . a young life! Such a misfortune may happen in any family, and that is awful. It is...
This project addresses the problem of sentiment analysis on Twitter. The goal of this project was to predict sentiment for the given Twitter post using Python. Sentiment analysis can predict many different emotions attached to the text, but in this repor
“I found out your surname in the hall just now: it was written on the board—Von Diderits,” said Gurov. “Is your husband a German?” “No; I believe his grandfather was a German, but he is an Orthodox Russian himself.”
Iamliterallystarving.Weget meat onceaweek, therest of the week we have dry bread and black coffee.“¹⁵Die Streikwelle hatte sich bis zum 16.Juli aufdie gesamteBaltimore andOhio Railroad (B&O) inWest Virginiaverteiltund hatte sichvondort ausschnellentlang der großen Schienennetzeausge...
In Europe, too, new countries were contrived in what are generally thought of as ancient lands—Giuseppe Garibaldi15 helped create a unified Kingdom of Italy in 1861, while Otto von Bismarck16 helped forge a German empire in 1871. Old empires fell away and were replaced with modern states in...