UITextSmartQuotesType UITextSpellCheckingType UITextStorageDirection UITextView UITextView.Notifications UITextView.UITextViewAppearance UITextViewChange UITextViewCondition UITextViewDelegate UITextViewDelegate_Extensions UITextViewDelegateShouldInteractTextDelegate UITextViewDelegateShouldInteractUrlDelegate UIText...
ToggleContinuousSpellChecking ToggleGrammarChecking ToggleQuickLookPreviewPanel ToggleSmartInsertDelete ToggleTraditionalCharacterShape TurnOffKerning TurnOffLigatures UnmarkText UpdateCandidates UpdateDragTypeRegistration UpdateFontPanel UpdateInsertionPointStateAndRestartTimer UpdateQuickLookPreviewPanel UpdateRuler UpdateTex...
Clears the local value of a read-only property. The property to be cleared is specified by a DependencyPropertyKey. (Inherited from DependencyObject) CoerceValue(DependencyProperty) Coerces the value of the specified dependency property. This is accomplished by invoking any CoerceValueCallback function...
IsReadOnly Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the text editing control is read-only to a user interacting with the control. (Inherited from TextBoxBase) IsReadOnlyCaretVisible Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a read-only text box displays a caret. (Inherited from Te...
(ifispell-current-dictionary (substringispell-current-dictionary02)"en"));; Try to honor local aspell dictionary and replacements if they exist"--dict"(eval(expand-file-name"~/.aspell.en.pws"))"--replace"(eval(expand-file-name"~/.aspell.en.prepl"));; Using source ensures that a single...
For example, hidden text is not printed or exported, index markers in hidden conditional text are not included in a generated index, and hidden conditional text is not included when searching or spell-checking text. When you hide a condition, the hidden text is stored in a hidden condition ...
README.md Bring back the emoticons Aug 20, 2024 SublimeLinter.sublime-settings Add option show_panel_on_save.ignored_error_types to suppress panel… May 20, 2024 __allo__.py Switch to the Python 3.8 host Apr 16, 2024 __init__.py Ignore root /__init__.py from installing Aug 28, ...
Edit Identifies the IsSpellCheckEnabled dependency property. C# Afrita public static DependencyProperty IsSpellCheckEnabledProperty { get; } Property Value DependencyProperty The identifier for the IsSpellCheckEnabled dependency property. Applies to VaraÚtgáfur WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 1438...
Edit Identifies the IsSpellCheckEnabled dependency property. C# Sao chép public static DependencyProperty IsSpellCheckEnabledProperty { get; } Property Value DependencyProperty The identifier for the IsSpellCheckEnabled dependency property. Applies to Sản phẩmPhiên bản WinRT Build 10240, ...
Spell checking isn’t a bad thing; it’s just unhelpful in this situation. Is something marked incorrect because it is incorrectly spelled or because the code is invalid? It’s tough to tell. To fix this, all we need is to set thespellcheckattribute on the<textarea>tofalse: ...