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LOTR Lord of The Rings (online gaming) LQTM Laughing quietly to myself LSHMBH Laugh so hard my belly hurts LSV Language, sex and violence LTD Living the dream LTK Like To Know LTLWDLS Let’s twist like we did last summer LTNS Long time no see LTOD Laptop of death LTS Laughing to ...
Dear Mr. Oliver Twist,–I really don’t think I can write longer letters. They seem to me very long indeed. I am not ashamed of their length, but I am ashamed, especially when I read yours, of their dullness and of the poverty-stricken attempt at description. How is it that you ca...
But I do not begin to twist and lose myself outside my very door, like the children of the city. I am twelve miles out, far up the opposite bank of the Skjel River, before I begin to get lost, and then only on a sunless day, with perhaps thick, wild snow coming down, and ...