Download Super Text Twist Flash games no longer run in your web browser. Not to worry, we have 2 great options for you! Download the GameFools Arcade Browserand play all of our browser games. View a list of HTML5 gamesthat still work in your current browser!
LTLWDLS Let’s twist like we did last summer LTNS Long time no see LTOD Laptop of death LTS Laughing to self LULT Love you long time LULZ Meaning joke, or for laughs LVM Left voice mail LWOS Laughing without smiling LY Love ya LYLAS Love you like a sis LYLC Love you like crazy LY...
New April Fools joke for Rein appears to be live… by inOverwatchA Reddit user showed these changes in action. A message that would normally be “everything in caps haha” became “EVERYTHING IN CAPS HAHA!!! PRECISION GERMAN ENGINEERING!!!” for all players in the match to see....
Dear Mr. Oliver Twist,–I really don’t think I can write longer letters. They seem to me very long indeed. I am not ashamed of their length, but I am ashamed, especially when I read yours, of their dullness and of the poverty-stricken attempt at description. How is it that you ca...
But I do not begin to twist and lose myself outside my very door, like the children of the city. I am twelve miles out, far up the opposite bank of the Skjel River, before I begin to get lost, and then only on a sunless day, with perhaps thick, wild snow coming down, and ...
A fever burned in the standing man’s brain, he fought constantly against a stiffening of his employed fingers–a swift turn, a cutting twist. Subconsciously he called noiselessly upon the God that had sustained him and, divided between apprehension and the increasing lust to kill, his lips ...