plugins. If you have somewhere in your workflow that you want to use D2, feel free to open a discussion. We have limited bandwidth and usually choose the most high-demand ones to work on. If you make something cool with D2 yourself, let us know and we'll be happy to include it ...
PIXELVIBE AI Streamlined Creative Workflow. Create Presentations, Designs, Stock Photos, Instagram Promos, Product Photography, Vector Art, Animated Avatars. ❔ Passphoto Create Your Passport Photo With AI. . ❌ PhotoAI Photoai. Create AI-generated images of yourself. ❔ PhotoLeaf Photoleaf AI...
Amazon SageMaker Studioprovides a fully managed solution for data scientists to interactively build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models. In the process of working on their ML tasks, data scientists typically start their workflow by discovering ...
The computer generates a workflow diagram of the business process based on the identified activities, determined activity names corresponding to the identified activities, identified roles associated with the identified activities, and the identified sequence in which the identified activities are executed....
Textual Workflow modeling Textual Architecture modeling Ilograph Multi-language textual diagramming tools D2Lang Asciidoctor Diagram Dead modeling tools Textual UML modeling tools In no particular order, these are the tools you should check first when looking for a quick and easy way to draw some ...
If you cannot change a workflow element, try editing in Diagram mode. Basic procedures Editing a step Click the following link of any step: Add Transition— to add an Outgoing Transition to that step. Delete Transitions— to delete one or more Outgoing Transitions of that step. Edit— to ...
Let’s look at some architecture patterns that can be implemented for a text to SQL workflow. Prompt engineering The following diagram illustrates the architecture for generating queries with an LLM using prompt engineering. In this pattern, the user creates a prompt-...
This diagram provides a high-level overview of the workflow. To perform batch synthesis, you can use the following REST API operations. OperationMethodREST API call Create batch synthesisPUTavatar/batchsyntheses/{SynthesisId}?api-version=2024-04-15-preview ...
The diagram below illustrates how your data is processed for synthesis with prebuilt text to speech avatar. There are three components in an avatar content generation workflow: text analyzer, the TTS audio synthesizer, and...
For example, you could have a model that defines a workflow, either as a table or a diagram. From the model, you can generate the software that executes the workflow. When your users' requirements change, it's easy to discuss the new workflow with the users. Regenerating the code ...