一篇图像合成的论文:High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models 模型学习的两个阶段 引言 图像合成,是近来欣欣向荣的领域任务之一,但是都需要巨大的计算资源,尤其是高分辨率图像合成。 GAN模型的对抗学习过程常用于图像生成,但对于复杂的、多模态分布的数据学习,很难进行规模化学习。 近来,扩散模型(DM...
StyleTTS 2: Towards Human-Level Text-to-Speech through Style Diffusion and Adversarial Training with Large Speech Language Models text-to-speechdeep-learningpytorchttsspeech-synthesisganspeaker-adaptationadversarial-trainingdiffusion-modelswavlmlatent-diffusionlatent-diffusion-models ...
In the Text-to-speech(TTS) task, the latent diffusion model has excellent fidelity and generalization, but its expensive resource consumption and slow inference speed have always been a challenging. This paper proposes Discrete Diffusion Model with Contrastive Learning for Text-to-Speech Generation(DC...
论文地址: Text-to-Audio Generation using Instruction-Tuned LLM and Latent Diffusion Model论文代码: declare-lab/tango: A family of diffusion models for text-to-audio generation. (github.com)省流版…
If you plan to play around with text-to-speech generation. Please also make sure you have installedespeak. On linux you can do it by sudo apt-get install espeak Run the model in commandline Generate sound effect or Music based on a text prompt ...
latent diffusion text-to-image原理 英文版 The Principles of Latent Diffusion Text-to-Image Latent Diffusion Text-to-Image is a cutting-edge technology that revolutionizes the field of artificial intelligence and computer vision. It combines the power of natural language processing with the capabilities...
In this article we bring a powerful diffusion model DeciDiffusion. The architectures like U-Net-NAS, efficiency of this model becomes paramount, reducing com…
We introduce Style Tailoring, a recipe to finetune Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) in a distinct domain with high visual quality, prompt alignment and scene diversity. We choose sticker image generation as the target domain, as the images significantly differ from photorealistic samples typically ...
Its application to audio still lags behind for two main reasons: the lack of large-scale datasets with high-quality text-audio pairs, and the complexity of modeling long continuous audio data. In this work, we propose Make-An-Audio with a prompt-enhanced diffusion model that addresses these ...
在本文中,我们将流量生成视为一系列扩散步骤,并针对 TTG 任务介绍了基于 Latent Diffusion Model的简单而有效的框架 ChatTraffic。为了克服传统流量预测方法所面临的挑战,我们使用包含时间和事件的文本来指导去噪过程,从而实现流量生成。此外,我们还利用图卷积网络来增强扩散模型。除时间和事件外,交通状况还受到道路网络结...