In today's tech-savvy world, finding the best text to speech AI has become all the rage. With so many options available, it's easy to get lost in the noise and lose sight of what your best bet is. And nobody wants to be stuck with a robotic voice that doesn't have an ounce of...
This is a complete list of VentureBeat articles from Tag: Text-to-Speech, in reverse chronological order.
change evaluation metrics names to resolve Illegal name error (#19) Sep 11, 2020 Fastspeech 2 UnOfficial PyTorch implementation ofFastSpeech 2: Fast and High-Quality End-to-End Text to Speech. This repo uses the FastSpeech implementation ofEspnetas a base. In this implementation I tried to repl...
Read the audio into a numeric variable, preferably in 'native' format rather than in normalized format'. typecast() the variable to uint8, and use char() on that result. Write the char to a text file. Now if you wanted to do speech recognition or pitch recognition along the way, perha...