Find the perfect text to speech tool for education and online learning, featuring customizable reading speed and voice settings.
=== About === "Text To Speech: Type and Talk" is a Voice Aloud Reader App that produces natural sounding synthesized text from the text that you have entered in…
TTS(text-to-speech,文字转语音)系统是将一般语言的文字转换为语音,将储存于电脑中的文件,如帮助文件或者网页,转换成自然语音输出的语音合成应用。 关注话题 管理 分享 简介 讨论 精华 等待回答 有没有提供整段英文朗诵的网站? SleepyIris
WebsiteVoice is an online text-to-speech solution for bloggers and web content creators. Our tool read out loud text from blogs, web pages, online books and websites with natural sounding voices.
TTS Robot Reader - Convert any written text into most realistic ,human-like natural sounding voices(spoken words),based on human speech recordings.Languages:en-US,en-GB,es-ES,fr-FR,it-IT,de-DE,ru-RU,pt-BR,nl-Nl,hi-IN,id-ID,ja-JP,ko-KR,zh-CN,zh_HK.
之前在52破解上看到有人发布了一个文本转语音的小软件,使用微软提供的免费的文本转语音接口,自己闲着没事做了一个网页版的,用php调用微软接口生成语音。感兴趣的同学可以看下。 地址 Text To Speech - 在线文本…
Free Text To Speech is compatible with any voice engine installed in your computer, providing unmatched expressivity and personality. You can create your own voice package in over 40 male and female voices and 60 plus languages including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish...
Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle, and more. Make any LMS accessible with Readspeaker text to speech.
For details, please refer to Notes on Using Cloud Authentication Information. Create a TTS engine. You can use the custom configuration class MLTtsConfig to create a text to speech engine. (For details about the supported voice codes and speaker codes, please refer to the Supported Speaker ...
Technology solutions with the capabilities to interpret electronic text and generate audible speech from the text are becoming more commonplace as people find more uses in everyday products. See below for the latest text-to-speech news, trends, and solut