As a student, life can be hectic. You have clubs, academics and more. For many, it means moving away to a completely new country to live alone. It's hard to find the time or energy to do the things you want to do. Whether that's going out with friends or even just a walk in...
Children, students, adults, in the classroom, at home or at the workplace, our text to speech software can help any type of learners.
Assistive Ai text-to-speech applications built for accessibility in grade schools, universities and special education
Texting is a great starting point for looking at language creativity, or you could look at little differences in speech between one village and another. Or look at how international your own language is, how it has developed over time.Some experts have claimed that exposure to technology-...
This article describes an unrestricted vocabulary Text-to-Speech (TTS) conversion system for the segmental synthesis of Standard Malay (SM) speech. The system uses a modified version of a synthesis method that was previously used to synthesize Arabic. SM bears some resemblance to Arabic in its ph...
Text and speech corpora for training a tale telling robot have been designed, recorded and annotated. The aim of these corpora is to study expressive storytelling behaviour, and to help in designing expressive prosodic and co-verbal variations for the artificial storyteller). A set of 89 children...
Download Text to Speech today and transform the way you consume written content! Whether you’re studying, traveling, or working, SpeakyText is your go-to solution for converting text, images, and websites into natural-sounding speech. Free your hands and eyes—let your ears do the work! mo...
Text to Speech is an app that converts any text to speech and can read out loud in any language. The app has large storage for creating your personal library.…
Studying of foreign language: Learning a new language can be quite challenging. However, foreign language can be studied with the right resources. Text to speech is an ideal option for listening and practicing proper pronunciation of various languages. The text-to-speech voice engines are specifical...
This allows users to go through a long list of patents/publications without requiring to read them. The user can listen the text to speech converted keywords or portions of references in a relaxing and way by utilizing a headset. This provides a fast and very efficient way of studying ...