具体步骤就是: Google Cloud Text-to-Speech AI输入文字试用 从浏览器导出 base64 编码的音频文件内容 使用在线服务(如Base64 to MP3)将编码转换为 mp3 小视频(带字幕、配音) 青小蛙录制了一段简单的教程: 当然,结果是…由于 Azure 的语音服务过于丰富,目前可能会选择 Azure 来解决配音问题,Google Cloud Text-t...
TextToSpeech是一个完全免费的AI文本转语音工具,支持超过50种语言和8000多种音色。用户只需简单输入文本,选择所需的语言和语音风格,调整语速和音量,即可生成自然流畅的高质量语音。该工具无需登录,适用于电脑和手机浏览器等多个设备。生成的语音可广泛应用于社交平台等场合,且目前完全免费,无使用次数限制。 TextToSpeec...
Text To Speech,文本转语音,文本朗读,让机器能够说话。构建自然说话的应用和服务,从 147 种语言和变体中选择 456 种语音。借助高表现力和类似人类的神经语音,让你的方案生动起…… 链接直达 手机查看 网站完全是基于微软文本转语音的接口开发的,目前还可以免费使用,页面简洁无广告,主要的是单次生成内容不限字数...
语音合成TTS (Text-To-Speech) 是一种将文字转换为语音的技术,其原理是通过计算机程序将文本信息转换成...
Incredibly Simple to Use … Making it easy for anyone to instantly create professional natural-sounding speech with 100+ voices, available in multiple languages…
Text to speech (TTS) can convert text information into audio output in real time. Rich timbres are provided and the volume and speed can be adjusted (5x adjustment is supported for Chinese and English), thereby natural voices can be produced. This service uses the deep neural network (DNN)...
Prebuilt neural voices: Azure AI Speech uses deep neural networks to overcome the limits of traditional speech synthesis regarding stress and intonation in spoken language. Prosody prediction and voice synthesis happen simultaneously, which results in more fluid and natural-sounding outputs. Each prebuil...
工具名称:Text To Speech 一、工具介绍 Text To Speech,作为一款革新性的在线AI文本转语音工具,其最大的亮点在于其完全免费的服务模式,为广大用户解锁了前所未有的便捷与高效。这款工具不仅融合了先进的自然语言处理技术和人工智能算法,还精心调校了语音合成引擎,确保能够将用户输入的任何文本内容,无缝转化为听起来极...
Effortlessly convert your text to speech online with our TTS reader. Experience a seamless, secure, and unlimited service that's completely free.
From Text to Speech to AI dubbing, our tools bridge language gaps, restore voices to those who have lost them, and make digital interactions feel more human, transforming the way we connect online. Explore Dubbing Studio Complete voice AI toolset Enhance your content creation, user retention, an...