Logo Rank Brandmark Logo Maker - 最先进的人工智能标志设计工具. . ❔ Looka 免费徽标制作工具和智能品牌设计师. 使用Looka 制作徽标并打造您喜爱的品牌。. ✅ Make Logo AI MakeLogo.AI:为您的初创公司制作完美的徽标。. 在人工智能的支持下,为您的初创公司生成精美而独特的徽标。. ❌ Text To Book...
“The integration of ReadSpeaker SpeechMaker was seamless. We encountered no issues, and the tool was straightforward to use. This ease of implementation has allowed us to focus on content creation rather than troubleshooting.” Gemma Lesterhuis Owner of LT&C and Moodle LMS Specialist “Within se...
The #1 AI Profile Picture Maker and Generator Your profile picture is the first thing people see when they look at your profile. We use artificial intelligence to generate an magical avatars of you that looks perfect and captures who you are. You can be anything or anyone!. ❌ ReflectMe ...
Guess the Animal Quiz Game 游戏 AI Background Remover & Editor 摄影与录像 Pic Collage Maker - Editor 效率 Smart Data Transfer 工具 Event Countdown Reminder 工具 Document Reader: View & Read 效率 Brainy | Tune Your Brain 游戏 Ask Katie ...
One of the applications is automatic generation of quizzes from text. The recent advancement in NLP techniques has shown a lot of promise. The proposed solution uses an NLP pipeline involving Bert and T5 transformers to extract keywords and gain insights from the text input. From the extracted...
{ text-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #0d95d9; } Do you find this helpful? CSS Text Shadow Maker The text-shadow CSS property allows adding shadows to the text. The first value sets the horizontal distance(x-offset), the second value sets the vertical distance(y-offset), the third value sets...
Courses, PDF, ebooks, math equation, web research, training materials, quizzes, assignments and more. Discover all the features of our text-to-speech software and SaaS solutions, which are compatible with all devices. Listen Button and Player Listen to content, read along with the highlighted ...
You can dictate any text: it is written out as you speak with speech-to-text technology. Please checkherefor supported languages for this feature. Exam Mode Teachers and coordinators can speech enable tests, exams and quizzes within secure learning environments, e‑assessment platforms, even...
Speech to Text Convertor更多来自此开发人员的 App Easy Chinese Keyboard 工具 生活 Holy Quran with Talawat 参考资料 Learn Arabic Speaking 教育 天气 IELTS Preparation Guide 教育 English Grammar & Punctuation Offline Urdu Lughat-Dictionary Electricity Bill Checker ...
Créez et partagez des questions de quiz, des flashcards et des notes instantanément, à partir de n'importe quel texte. Idéal pour les entreprises, les enseignants et les étudiants. ✅ Replicate L'apprentissage automatique n'a pas besoin d'être si difficile. Exécutez des modèles ope...