Image variations: Inversion 能重建更精细的特征: Text-guided synthesis: 将原始主题推广到新场景,psedu-word 封装了语义概念 Style transfer: 利用 prompt “A painting in the style ofS_*” 优化 psudo-word, 抽取风格并将其应用于任意场景: Concept compositions: 任意概念的组合。虽然可以实现简单的风格包含...
Text-to-Image Style Transfer using Multi-Level Style Encoder and Explicit Adaptation - cardinalblue/ArtAdapter
这篇文章依然是style transfer相关的工作,因为最近的工作内容和这个方向相关,最近在看这个方向的论文。这篇文章的立足点也是将style和content进行解耦,这样能够减少参考图的内容泄漏,同时减少对生成内容的破坏。 项目链接 贡献点: (1)建立了一个IMAGStyle数据集,数据集中有210k个三元组数据,包含...
其中,S 是 style encoder network。有了训练的产生器 和 类型编码,style transfer 根据样本 t 从一张 query image x 执行下列步骤: 其中, x 是结果图像, s 是预测的 style。 Experiments.
translationdeep-learningdatasetvaechinesenmtunetclipstyletransferhuggingfacetext-imagetexttoimagehuggingface-transformersstable-diffusiondiffusers UpdatedMar 29, 2023 Python Text to image generation and Image Captioning Android, iOS, Desktop and Web app using Compose Multiplatform with Clean Architecture ...
(1) style transfer, which enables us to control the style of the generated sample using a reference style image, and (2) "Paint with words" - an application where the user can generate images by painting segmentation maps on canvas, which is very handy for crafting the desired image in ...
In order to deal with such applications, we propose a new framework that enables a style transfer `without' a style image, but only with a text description of the desired style. Using the pre-trained text-image embedding model of CLIP, we demonstrate the modulation of the style of content...
To address this, here we propose a novel image style transfer method to deliver the semantic textures of text conditions using recently proposed text-image embedding model of CLIP [21]. Specifically, rather than resorting to pixel-optimization or manipulating the instance ...
Nvidia is combining its expertise in graphics and imaging witheDiff-I’s text-to-image synthesis, which its developers say provides “an instant style transfer and intuitive painting-with-words capabilities.” eDiff-I’s image synthesis pipeline is a combination of three diffusion models — ...
参考:文本生成图像!GAN生成对抗网络相关论文大汇总 (只看了摘要) 1. A Survey and Taxonomy of Adversarial Neural Networks for Text-to-Image Synthesis 介绍了关于GAN生成对抗网络的相关Text-to-Image论