To check the extension of your image file, just right click on the image file and select properties and see "Type of File" you will see the file name with extension. Once you have generated image in PNG format, you can further change its format using any image formatting tool. Marathi o...
Class sponsor that holds extension methods forIImageToTextServiceinterface. C# publicstaticclassImageToTextExtensions Inheritance Object ImageToTextExtensions Methods GetTextContentAsync(IImageToTextService, ImageContent, PromptExecutionSettings, Kernel, CancellationToken) ...
This will create the debug filesome/custom/path/to/debug_file.pngin the current working directory. Creating speech bubbles with thebubbleTailextension ThebubbleTailextension will draw a speech bubble "tail", a triangle at the bottom of the image. It takes the desired width and height of the ...
Writes the contents of the image. C++ 复制 public: [System::Runtime::CompilerServices::Extension] static void Write(Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::ITextImage ^ image, System::IO::TextWriter ^ writer); Parameters image ITextImage writer TextWriter The TextWriterto use. Exceptions ArgumentNull...
extensions Array<Extension> [] An array of Extensions. fontFamily string Helvetica The font family to use for the text in the image. See CSS font-family for valid values. fontPath string The file system path to a font file to use, also specify fontFamily if you use this. fontSize numbe...
Initializes a new instance of the OpenAITextToImageService class. Properties 展开表 Attributes Gets the AI service attributes. Methods 展开表 GenerateImageAsync(String, Int32, Int32, Kernel, CancellationToken) Generate an image matching the given description Extension Methods 展开表 GetApiVe...
You can then record the script into an action and then use the batch command or Image Processor. Do you wish to include the filename extension (.psd, .jpg etc)? What colour text? What font? What position (upper left, lower right etc)? Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Repor...
ExtensionAbility组件 服务卡片开发指导(Stage模型) 服务卡片概述 开发基于ArkTS UI的卡片 ArkTS卡片运行机制 ArkTS卡片相关模块 ArkTS卡片开发指导 创建一个ArkTS卡片 配置卡片的配置文件 卡片生命周期管理 开发卡片页面 卡片页面能力说明 卡片使用动效能力 卡片使用自定义绘制能力 开发卡片事件 ...
I have created an extension for using it everywhere : importFoundationimportUIKitextensionUIImage{classfunccreateImageWithLabelOverlay(label:UILabel,imageSize:CGSize,image:UIImage) ->UIImage{UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSize(width: imageSize.width, height: imageSize.height),false,2.0)letcur...
ThebubbleTailextension will draw a speech bubble "tail", a triangle at the bottom of the image. It takes the desired width and height of the tail as configuration parameters. import{generate}from'text-to-image';importbubbleTailfrom'text-to-image/extensions/bubbleTail';constdataUri=awaitgenerate...