Text symbols control how text looks with font, size, and color, and advanced text symbol properties such as callouts, halos, and drop shadows.
ArcGIS Pro 3.2| |Help archive Text symbols control how text looks. The text symbol consists of native properties that include options for changing the font, style, and formatting. You can access the symbol properties from theSymboltab when working with text elements such as labels, annotation, ...
internalclassButton1 : Button {protectedoverridevoidOnClick() {varlayout =LayoutView.Active.Layout;if(layout ==null)return; QueuedTask.Run(()=>{vartableFrame = layout.GetElements().OfType<TableFrame>().FirstOrDefault();if(tableFrame !=null) {//change the text symbol//the property panel c...
var fontName = "Bernard MT Condensed"; var textSymbol = SymbolFactory.Instance.ConstructTextSymbol(green, size, fontName); foreach (var frameField in fields) { //to mimic the property sheet, change heading and field symbols frameField.HeadingTextSymbol.Symbol = textSymbol; frameField.TextSymbol.S...
How does the reference scale affect the annotation text and symbol? Annotation feature classes in ArcGIS have a reference scale, which is the scale at which annotation text and symbols will draw at the expected size. For example, a font size of five points will look l...
ArcGIS.Carto.ITextElement Dim pTextSymbol As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.ITextSymbol Dim pColor As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IColor pActiveView = pGraphicsContainer pColor = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.RgbColorClass pColor.NullColor = False pColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 0) pTextSymbol = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Display....
You can use thisSave Text Symbol Asdialogue to specify properties like name, category, and tags. You can also specify the saving location of this style as favorite or a separate style file using theStyledropdown. If you want to save the labeling position setting as a style, you can switch...
In theContentspane, double-click the line symbology under the feature class, and select the created style in theFormat Line Symbolwindow to apply the custom linetypes with the embedded text characters. Note: Some of the display icons for creating new symbols are different if the ArcG...
Um das Symbol zu ändern, doppelklicken Sie auf das Element, und ändern Sie die Eigenschaften nach Bedarf.Ziehen Sie dieses Element im Layout an die gewünschte Position. Schließen Sie die Dialogfelder jeweils mit OK.Klicken Sie auf ...
ClickSymbolto access more text properties. UnderFormatting, changeLetter spacingto200%. ClickApplytwice. Now your label is much larger without the font itself being too large. But it still doesn’t convey the expanse of the park very well. ...