If an element has a computed value for 'white-space' of 'pre' or 'pre-wrap', then neither the glyphs of that element's text content nor its white space may be altered for the purpose of justification. Note: CSS may add a way to justify text with 'white-space: pre-wrap' in the ...
It's a tug-of-war as old as web design. Designers need to control text size and the vertical grid; readers need to be able to resize text. A better best practice for sizing type and controlling line-height is needed; and in this article, Richard Rutter o
.public-just{text-align:justify;text-align-last:justify;padding:0 0.1rem;box-sizing:border-box; }
fantasai changed the title [css-text-4] Support multiRowAlign [css-sizing-4] True Shrinkwrap [solving self-referencing wrapped text alignment] Jan 3, 2018 Collaborator fantasai commented Jan 3, 2018 • edited Thinking about it some more, we could take Alan's solution: the engine would ...
to use the input size, as the WG resolved in [css-sizing] Please add vertical auto-resize textarea field #2141 (comment). However, @bfgeek suspects this is likely to cause compat pain. Add max-input keyword to width/height that triggers this behavior on form controls, and maps to max...
The text-transform CSS property specifies how to capitalize an element's text. It can be used to make text appear in all-uppercase or all-lowercase, or with each word capitalized. It also can help improve legibility for ruby.
Where has the highlighting gone? (Clue: It’s hiding in the background.) We can fix this with CSS! We’ll make the<textarea>completely transparentexceptthe caret (cursor): /* Make textarea almost completely transparent */#editing{color:transparent;background:transparent;caret-color:white;/*...
原生 textarea 元素现在可以自动增加它的高度啦,仅仅通过一行 CSS 即可实现:form-sizing: normal。这个特性将在后续发布的 Chrome Canary 版本得到支持。w3c/csswg-drafts 下的这个 issue “[css-ui] ? Allow <textarea> to be sized by contents”, 引发了激烈的讨论,该 issue 在 2022 年 7 月29号被...
field-sizing 是一个新的css属性,可以使input 、 textarea和select自动缩放到其内容的大小。 fixed ,这是输入、文本区域和选择的当前行为,无论内容如何,它们都具有固定大小。 content ,使表单元素缩放到内容的大小 当您将其应用于input或select时,它将缩放到内容的宽度。当您将其应用于textarea,它将缩放到...