To change your display in Windows, selectStart>Settings>Accessibility>Text size. To make only the text on your screen larger, adjust the slider next toText size. To make everything larger, including images and apps, selectDisplay, and then choose an option from the drop-down menu next toScal...
The controlling layout factor for how the text overflow is calculated is the constrained Width and Height of the parent Grid, and the ColumnDefinition settings that divide the Grid into three equal columns of 300 pixels height/width. Overflow is also affected by FontSize and many other text ...
Text font size and scaleUsers can have difficulty reading text in an app when the fonts uses are simply too small, so make sure any text in your application is a reasonable size in the first place.Once you've done the obvious, Windows includes various accessibility tools and settings that ...
您可設定標準控制項屬性(例如 FontFamily、FontSize、FontStyle、Background、Foreground、CharacterSpacing),以變更文字的外觀。 這些屬性只會影響 TextBox 在本機顯示文字的方式,因此如果您要將文字複製並貼到 RTF 控制項中,例如,不會套用任何格式設定。此範例顯示唯讀 TextBox,其中設定了數個屬性來自訂文字的外觀。
3 If you like, you can click/tap on Export to export your current font text size settings to a .reg file to make restoring them easy if needed. 4 Perform the following actions: (see screenshot below) Adjust the Menu slider for the font size you want. Check or uncheck Bold if you...
FitsSystemWindows FlipInterval Фокусируемый FocusableInTouchMode FocusedByDefault FocusedMonthDateColor FocusedSearchResultHighlightColor Шрифт FontFamily FontFeatureSettings FontProviderAuthority FontProviderCerts FontProviderPackage FontProviderQuery FontProviderSystemFontFamily FontStyle FontVar...
Gets or sets the font size. (Inherited from Control) FontStretch Gets or sets the degree to which a font is condensed or expanded on the screen. (Inherited from Control) FontStyle Gets or sets the font style. (Inherited from Control) FontWeight Gets or sets the weight or thickne...
applications that run on Windows are using a design pattern where they ask Windows for information about the system when they launch (questions such as how big the display is, what is the display scale factor, what is the size of the font that should be used for default text, as well as...
Added"find_scroll_highlights_limit","find_highlight_matches_max_size"and"find_regex_highlight_matches_max_size"settings to allow configuring find limits Added newline detection and normalization when changing settings programmatically Sublime Merge menu items are hidden when"sublime_merge_path"is set ...
Fixed binary size increase due to a misconfiguration Resolved some type-hinting issues in plugin host Fixed find settings not applying to find-in-files Mac: Fixed some issues with applying find clipboard Mac: Fixed multi-line environment variables not being read correctly Windows: Implemented scroll...