Man kann sich merken, was in einem Satz stand: Kurz, knapp und informativ - so liest sich dein Text am Besten und zwar ohne Schachtelsätze. Rechtschreibung und Grammatik in gutem Deutsch vorhanden: Die Rechtschreibung enthält keine Fehler, der Textstil ist in sich schlüssig und enthält...
As far as I know, EmEditor is a one-man project. The upside is that Yutaka Emura, EmEditor’s creator, provides support himself.Receiving supportfrom the person who wrote the software is a treat. I hope that many people will buy what is not only objectively the best all-purpose editor ...
As far as I know, EmEditor is a one-man project. The upside is that Yutaka Emura, EmEditor’s creator, provides support himself.Receiving supportfrom the person who wrote the software is a treat. I hope that many people will buy what is not only objectively the best all-purpose editor ...
The German texting style has changed a bit over time and we’ve now arrived at a point where we’re using something that you can callKurzdeutsch(short German). This simply shows that we’re now using shortened expressions in text messages instead of using full sentences. So we cut out ve...
Maidan I, Rosenberg-Katz K, Jacob Y, Giladi N, Deutsch J, Hausdorff J, et al. Altered brain activation in complex walking conditions in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016;25:91–6. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Stuart S, Vitorio R, Morris R, Martini...
(2015). Deutschsprachige Kurzskala zur Messung des Konstrukts Need for Cognition NFC-K [German short scale for the measurement of Need for Cognition NFC-K]. Zusammenstellung Sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). Article Google Scholar Bless, H., ...
Solved: Hallo zusammen, ich habe einen Katalog online veröffentlicht. Soweit alles gut. Jetzt meinten Kollegen, dass man Artikelnummer nicht raus kopieren - 14866617
O'Brien LM, Ziegler DA, Deutsch CK, Kennedy DN, Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Hodge S, Makris N, Caviness V, Frazier JA, Herbert MR: Adjustment for whole brain and cranial size in volumetric brain studies: A review of common adjustment factors and statistical methods. Harvard Review of Psychia...
(n = 18 studies) explored the effectiveness of oral exercise in improving the masticatory function among people ages 18 years and older and reported that resistance exercises, such as chewing or clenching, were the most beneficial exercises to improve the bite force, while simple oral ...
hawktang💻 Mabu Manaileng💻 Ali Hamdi Ali Fadel💻 Tovly Deutsch💻 hlo-world💻 huntertl💻 Yann Defretin💻 📖 💬 🤔 Manuel 📖 💻 Gilles Jacobs📖 shasha79💻 Mercedes Garcia💻 Hammad Hassan Tarar💻 📖 Todd Cook💻 Knut O. Hellan💻 📖 nagenshukla💻 flaviussn...