dhwajraj/deep-siamese-text-similarity 一、表示学习、normalization 1、主要任务:Job titletaxonomy 本文提出了一个深度模型,只采用句子对之间的相似度信息,将变长的文本构造入固定维度的embedding空间。可以用来作为分类器,也可以寻找相近的job title,以及表示学习。 It learns to project variable length strings into ...
This is where the awesome concept of Text Summarization using Deep Learning really helped me out. It solves the one issue which kept bothering me before – now our model can understand the context of the entire text. It’s a dream come true for all of us who need to come up with a q...
Sentence similarityLexical analysisSemantic analysisText summarizationBengali summarizationDeep learningOne of the key challenges of natural language processing (NLP) is to identify the meaning of any text. Text summarization is one of the most challenging applications in the field of NLP where appropriate...
update Deep_Siamese_Text_Similarity 5年前 README.md update readme.md 5年前 深度文本匹配综述.pdf update 6年前 README Text_Matching(文本匹配算法) 文本匹配是自然语言理解中的一个核心问题,它可以应用于大量的自然语言处理任务中,例如信息检索、问答系统、复述问题、对话系统、机器翻译等等。这些自然语言处理...
information-retrieval deep-learning text-similarity question-answering semantic-matching neu-ir Updated Dec 8, 2023 HTML murray-z / text_analysis_tools Star 686 Code Issues Pull requests 中文文本分析工具包(包括- 文本分类 - 文本聚类 - 文本相似性 - 关键词抽取 - 关键短语抽取 - 情感分析 - ...
Sentence Similarity 奇怪的是,cpt-text在SentEval基准上要比之前的无监督SOTA差很多,如下表所示,作者认为可能的原因是句子相似度任务的定义本身就不明确,即相同的句子对在不同的人看来相似度可能是不一样的,最典型的一类case就是情感极性不同的样本是否是相似的。
Most of the datasets are pre-existing; text similarity datasets that may be redistributed (at least for research purposes) are included. Always check the licence of a particular dataset. Some datasets may be original though, because we are working on many applied problems that pertain training su...
To address the above problems, we propose a multi-level similarity learning method (MLSL) for image-text retrieval task. Different to use single level information in image-text pair, we explore semantic-level, structural-level and contextual-level information to enhance the robustness of cross-mod...
which is the cosine similarity of two representations. We refer to the loss function in VSE++48which is a similar representative image-caption retrieval method. For a positive pair (m,d), we calculate theMax of Hinges(MH) loss: $${{{\mathcal{L}}}_{{{\rm{MH}}}= \, \mathop{\max...
Learning Text Similarity with Siamese Recurrent Networkswww.aclweb.org/anthology/W16-1617/ 解决问题: 本文提出了一种深度结构,将一系列字符级双向LSTM与Siamese体系结构结合在一起,用于学习可变长度字符序列上的相似性度量。 1.介绍: 本文提出一种模型用于解决职位归一化问题,将输入字符串映射到外部预定义的类...