%绘图设置标记点类型、颜色、边缘颜色、标记点大小 figure;plot(x(1),y(1),'r^','Marker','^','MarkerFaceColor','r','MarkerEdgeColor','b','MarkerSize',20); xlim([0 30]);%设置x轴范围 ylim([0 20]);%设置y轴范围 %设置y的刻度 yticks([0:5:20]); %设置坐标轴的名称 xlabel('x/km'...
在MATLAB中,文本的处理可以使用text对象。text对象是MATLAB中用于创建和编辑文本的一种图形对象。用户可以将文本绘制在图形窗口上的指定位置,并设置文本的字体、颜色、大小等属性。在本文中,我们将深入探讨MATLAB中text对象的使用方法及其功能。 首先,我们需要先创建一幅图像,以便将文本绘制在其上。可以使用`figure`函数...
and if you want several texts, use several call to text, with different positions and colors.
字符位置由半径 radius 和转角 theta 确定 字号(fontsize)线性变化 每个近似圆周上排布的字符数目(no)需要根据字号确定 每两个相邻字符的转角变化(theta)根据 no 确定 每两个字符间的半径变化也要根据 no 确定 单个字符的旋转角度 rotate 由转角决定 剩下的事情就是调参数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...
1、在图像中直接加字符:text('Interpreter','latex','String','$$\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$$','Position',[.5.5],… 'FontSize',16);2、在legend里加 数学字符 h=legend('$$\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$$');set(h,'Interpreter','latex')也可以使用\( \)命令,以此类推也可以对title、xlabel、...
Parent container, specified as aFigureobject created using theuifigurefunction or one of its child containers:Tab,Panel,ButtonGroup, orGridLayout. If you do not specify a parent container, MATLAB calls theuifigurefunction to create a newFigureobject that serves as the parent container. ...
The font face must be one of the available truetype fonts installed on your system. To get a list of available fonts on your system, use the listTrueTypeFonts function from the MATLAB® command prompt. Data Types: char | string FontSize— Font size 12 (default) | positive integer in ...
do it with the built in routines, but I, like thousands of others, don't bother when export_fig works so well. So anytime people say they have trouble saving I just refer them to the FAQ. Sorry it was unhelpful to you.
The font face must be one of the available truetype fonts installed on your system. To get a list of available fonts on your system, use the listTrueTypeFonts function from the MATLAB® command prompt. Data Types: char | string FontSize— Font size 12 (default) | positive integer in ...
figure(2)%是当前窗口 subplot(3,2,3)% (3,2)表示一个窗口有m*n个窗,3行2列,p为当前操作窗口,从左往右数 2019b是的,双击波特图可以改变Hz, 标注 clearx=0:pi/50:pi;y=cos(2*x);y2=sin(x).*sin(6*x);plot(x,y,'r*',x,y2,'b-')grid on ...