Introduction to MATLAB Text The MATLAB function text() is designed to add descriptive text to data points on a plot. When adding text to a single data point, you provide scalar values for the x and y coordinates. On the other hand, when adding text to multiple points, you specify x and...
Add a Text Box on a Plot Using thetext()Function in MATLAB You can also use thetext()function to add text with a box to the plot. You need to pass the x and y coordinate on which you want to place the text. Simply plot the variable and then select the coordinates from the plot...
可以用 num2str() 函数转换数字到字符串 比如 》p = 2;text(x,y,num2str(p));%相当于text(x,y,'2')你做一循环,就可把它添加上去了 for ```text(x,y,num2str(p(i)));```
You can also use sprintf() to build up a more complicated string. Look into it. By the way, this (your "Answer") is not an Answer to your question. This should have been a comment to Wayne's answer and you should mark his answer as "Accepted'.
Answered: Jason on 13 Feb 2020 Accepted Answer: Jason Open in MATLAB Online Hello. I have a plot that I have added text to as below. I am wanting to have as an option, the ability to reposition these text objects to e.g. the top left (or even ...
matlab x = 0:0.1:2*pi; y = sin(x); plot(x, y); hold on; text(pi, 1, 'Maximum', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); 在上述代码中,我们首先创建了一个正弦曲线,然后使用`hold on`命令保持先前创建的图形。接下来,使用`text`函数在曲线上方创建了一个文本对象,并将其内容设置为“Maximum”。最...
You can plot a bold text with a white font color, and plot the same but unbold black text over the early one. I think this is the only way to accomplish what you looking for.
plot(x,y) x_vect=[-pi/2,pi/2]; y_vect=[0,0]; text(x_vect,y_vect,'\leftarrow cos(x)=0') Example 3: How to Add Descriptive Text to 3D Data Points? In this MATLAB code, we generate a surface plot for the functionZ=cos(X)+sin(Y)corresponding to the given vectors x and...
x =1:10; y =1:10;fig =figure;holdonscatter(x,y);a = [1:10]'; b = num2str(a); c = cellstr(b);dx =0.1; dy =0.1;% displacement so the text does not overlay the data pointstext(x+dx, y+dy, c);plot([11],[23])text(1.2,2.2,'A Line');xlim([-15])ylim([-15])ho...
matlab-nojvm -nodesktop -nodisplay -nosplash By a text plot, I mean something along the lines of ASCII art (using 'x's and 'o's for markers). This is useful if one wants to run programs remotely and generate figures, but without using forwarding like "ssh -Y". ...