Illustrator CC I have a text box grouped with a shape. If I scale them while holding SHIFT, the text and the shape enlarge, but the shape doesn't maintain its relative position to the text. How can I scale text with shapes without converting the text to outlines?
By converting text to a vector, it can be printed from anywhere. Occasionally you may find fonts that do not allow embedding, in that case you might have to outline the font before sending it for Print. You can also re-shape the text in creative ways....
then type out “DESIGN TEXT” in two lines. This will give us the shape we are looking for. You can adjust the size of the text by opening up the Character Panel (Window > Type > Character or press Ctrl/Cmd + T).
If the layer contains layer styles, the layer styles are converted to editable layer styles as if the Layer > Layer Styles > Convert To Editable Styles command had been used on the layer before converting the text to editable text.
Now, you can apply a gradient to text in Illustrator, but the gradient will be applied separately, on each letter shape.To add a gradient to text in Illustrator evenly, you need to turn your group into one vector shape. Open the Pathfinder panel and click the Unite button, and then ...
For infomration about converting Classic text to TLF text, see Converting between Classic and TLF text.You can include classic text in your Animate applications in a variety of ways. You can create text fields containing static text, which you create when you author the document. You can ...
Here's a simple yet useful3D effect for Photoshop. Use it for any kind of project that would benefit from this 3Dfont trend. It offers five outline styles, and all the layers are fully editable. Converting your text to 3D has never been easier!
Step 26:Now select both the image and circle shape. Make right-click; a drop-down list will be open. Click on the ‘Make Clipping Mask’ option of this list. Step 27:The background of the image will be removed. Now place this image on paragraph and go to Object menu, go to Text...
If you select Faux Bold formatting, you can’t warp type or text to shape. You will see a notification - Could not complete your request because the type layer uses a faux bold style. In this case, you shouldRemove attribute and continue. ...
Not open for further replies. Oct 28, 2003 #1 ikswoktur Programmer Oct 11, 2002 29 US Is there a way to have a paragraph of text auto indent to form to the edge of a shape? I am trying to get the text to remain horizontal but the paragraph effect of the indents would be a...