基于BERT的文本多标签多分类. Contribute to Bureaux-Tao/TextMultiLabelClassification development by creating an account on GitHub.
Many real-world applications can be formulated as Extreme Multi-label Classification(XMC) problems. E.g., Product Search; Document Tagging; Keywords Recommendation Systems. 特点:在一个很大的集合中召回一组元素。 XMC核心问题 特点:标签空间超高维。 问题1:时空复杂度过高 方法1:负采样策略 问题2:长尾问题...
TextClassificationMultilabel.cs 重要 一些信息与预发行产品相关,相应产品在发行之前可能会进行重大修改。 对于此处提供的信息,Microsoft 不作任何明示或暗示的担保。 文本分类-多标签任务的主要指标。 目前仅支持将准确性作为主要指标,因此用户无需显式设置它。
针对multi-label文本分类的问题,作者比较了一系列balancing loss函数的作用。实验表明考虑了long-tailed distribution以及label co-occurrence的DB损失函数表现优异。
abel-to-label structureMulti-label text classification (MLTC) is a significant task that aims to assign multiple labels to each given text. There are usually correlations between the labels in the dataset. However, traditional machine learning methods tend to ignore the label correlations. To ...
public ClassificationMultilabelPrimaryMetrics primaryMetric() Get the primaryMetric property: Primary metric for Text-Classification-Multilabel task. Currently only Accuracy is supported as primary metric, hence user need not set it explicitly. Returns: the primaryMetric value.task...
多标签文本分类(MLTC,Multi-Label Text Classification)是自然语言处理中的一项基本且具有挑战性的任务。以往的研究主要集中在学习文本表示和建模标签相关性上。然而,在预测特定文本的标签时,这些方法忽略了现有的类似实例中的丰富知识。为了解决这一问题,本文提出了一个k最近邻(kNN)机制,该机制检索几个邻居实例并用它们...
hierarchical-multilabel-text-classification 层次多标签文本分类(Hierarchical-Multilabel-Text-Classification,HMTC)是对文本标签具有层次化结构的数据集进行分类的任务。其特点是标签之间具有层次结构,其中一个标签可以被特殊化为子类,然后被一个父类所包含。 在HMTC任务中,一条样本的标签会同时包括层次结构中的父类和...
The labeling F-score function [2] evaluates multilabel classification by focusing on per-text classification with partial matches. The measure is the normalized proportion of matching labels against the total number of true and predicted labels given by ...
Text classification is a supervised learning task and requires a labeled dataset that includes a label column with a value for all rows.This model requires a training and a validation dataset. The datasets must be in ML Table format.Add the AutoML Text Multi-label Classification component to ...