可以通过tcode SE63翻译smartform中的text module。 SE63:点击other texts->B5->SSF 输入object name也就是text module的名字,然后选择source language 和target language,最后点击Edit按钮。 翻译如下,别忘了激活。 最后用tcode slxt传输上面的翻译。 以上。
Text 2: TEXT IN FRENCH STEP 5:Once the Text modules are created, Go to Transaction SFP to design form builder for the interfaceZTEXTMODULE_TEMPLATE. STEP 6:Click on Create. STEP 7: After clicking on create, the system would prompt you for the Interface name and description. ...
Here is the ABAP code that can be used to form name parameter value of read_text function module CONCATENATE lv_matnr space lv_werks INTO lv_tdname RESPECTING BLANKS. Code Since I want to read material memo in login language of the SAP user at first, if it does not exist I prefer the...
https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/How+to+Upload+Long+Text+into+SAP+Using+Excel+Sheet+and+SAVE_TEXT+Function+Module Created bySmruti Ranjan Mohanty, last modified onOct 09, 2013Go to start of metadata Reference Link: Note 933420 - ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE ...
Also, you have the newest function modulesREAD_MULTIPLE_TEXTS and READ_TEXT_TABLE, as explained in note2261311 – Function module for reading multiple SAPscript texts I think the code is not entirely correct. It may dump in case a standard text is very long. A...
Also, you have the newest function modulesREAD_MULTIPLE_TEXTS and READ_TEXT_TABLE, as explained in note2261311 – Function module for reading multiple SAPscript texts I think the code is not entirely correct. It may dump in case a standard text is very long. As you can see, T_STXL_RAW...
SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior SapCloudForCustomerSource SapEccLinkedService SapEccResourceDataset SapEccSource SapHanaAuthenticationType SapHanaLinkedService SapHanaPartitionSettings SapHanaSource SapHanaTableDataset SapOdpLinkedService SapOdpResourceDataset SapOdpSource SapOpenHubLinkedService SapOpenHubSource ...
If you wish to select an existing text module (TM), you use the selection list. You can access this using the context menu or the Selection Menu pushbutton. Selection List Structure In the title row you will find the name of the long text field which you are currently editing. The scre...
To create a text module use the SAP Smart Forms initial screen.Procedure Create a text node in the navigation tree of the Form Builder. Enter a unique name for the node and a description (for example, business terms). On the General Attributes tab select the text type Text M odule. ...