Note: This parameter is not required for some APIs (which will be indicated in related API documentation), and will not take effect even if it is passed. ©2013-2022 Tencent Cloud. All rights reserved. Page 12 of 74 Text Moderation System Timestamp Integer Yes Nonce SecretId Integer Yes...
Package laya.display Class public class Text Inheritance Text Sprite Node EventDispatcher Object Subclasses Input Text 类用于创建显示对象以显示文本。 注意:如果运行时系统找不到设定的字体,则用系统默认的字体渲染文字,从而导致显示异常。(通常电脑上显示正常,在一些移动端因缺少设置的字体而显示异常)。
curl --location --request GET '' \ --header 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: YOUR_RESOURCE_KEY' Sample response You should receive a response with a JSON body that includes all supported locales, voices, gender, sty...
UseVerify APIto send one-time passwords (OTP) for two-factor authentication (2FA) and fraud protection Explore docs New Modernize your messaging with Rich Communication Services (RCS) Create more interactive messages for your customers. See how RCS with Twilio can provide branded communications, grea...
The API is a simple JSON over HTTP web service for text mining and natural language processing. It is currently free and open for public use without authentication, though that may change in the future.It currently offers the following functionality:...
Welcome to the LiveChat API documentation! Our API provides a set of flexible tools which you can use to create new outstanding projects. We smile a bit more each time we see skilled developers unleash their creativity! Please note that this documentation refers to the API version 2.0. This ...
You submit documents to the API as strings of text. Analysis is performed upon receipt of the request. Because the API isasynchronous, there might be a delay between sending an API request and receiving the results. For information on the size and number of requests you can send per...
Up to Parent: Winapi.Messages Delphi functionSendTextMessage(Handle:HWND;Msg:UINT;WParam:WPARAM;LParam:UnicodeString):LRESULT; C++ externDELPHI_PACKAGENativeInt__fastcallSendTextMessage(HWNDHandle,unsignedMsg,NativeUIntWParam,System::UnicodeStringLParam)/* overload */; ...
Links in retrieved messages When you use any of the messaging APIs to retrieve a message, you'll see that auto-transformed URLs are shown in the mrkdwn format. So this: CopyThis message contains a URL Will be represented in the API as: CopyThis message contains a...
The service returns mark and word timing results as text messages over the connection. The element and word timings are available only with the WebSocket interface, not with the HTTP interface. See also: The WebSocket interface Generating word timings The WebSocket interface cannot be called ...