in_raise_if_failed File"azure\cognitiveservices\speech\", line50,in__try_get_error RuntimeError: Exception with error code: [CALL STACK BEGIN] > pal_string_to_wstring - synthesizer_create_speech_synthesizer_from_config - synthesizer_create_speech_synthesizer_from_config - ffi_prep_...
The error message does not permit returning to the home screen to start the printhead replacement. Instead, pressShow more. Refilled or depleted cartridge detected Check the cartridge. Used cartridges might not have enough ink to complete start-up. Open ink door to replace the cartridges. ...
@interface NSDictionary (ErrorCodeAndErrorText) (NSString*)errorCodeForKey:(id)key; (NSString*)errorTextForKey:(id)key; @end import "NSDictionary+ErrorCodeAndErrorText.h" import <objc/message.h> @implementation NSDictionary (ErrorCodeAndErrorText) (NSString*)errorCodeForKey:(id)key{ id v...
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR public static final TextAnalyticsErrorCode INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Enum value InternalServerError.INVALID_ARGUMENT public static final TextAnalyticsErrorCode INVALID_ARGUMENT Enum value InvalidArgument.INVALID_COUNTRY_HINT public static final TextAnalyticsErrorCode INVALID_COUNTRY_HINT Enum ...
Cause: See accompanying error message. Action: See accompanying error message. DRG-11522 no row exists for the text key(s) specified Cause: No row in the table has the text key(s) specified. Action: Use a valid text key(s). DRG-11523 unable to lock the specified row for update Cause...
ERR WITH TTS: Speech synthesis canceled: CancellationReason.Error ERR WITH TTS: Error details: Connection was closed by the remote host. Error code: 1013. Error details: Status(StatusCode="ResourceExhausted", Detail="No free synthesizer") USP state: TurnStarted. Received audio size:...
code Error code. 0: moderation succeeded; other values: moderation failed. For more information, seeError Codes. Integer Yes message Error message. String Yes data Details of the text moderation result. Object Yes datais as described below: ...
TDMQ for CKafkaAPI GatewayTDMQ for Apache PulsarTDMQ for CMQTDMQ for RabbitMQTDMQ for RocketMQCloud Message Queue Media On-Demand Video on DemandLVB Recording Game Services Game Multimedia Engine Developer Tools CODING Code RepositoriesCODING Project ManagementCODING Test ManagementCODING Continuous Integra...
什么是字符集(character set) 字符的二进制编码方式 二进制编码到一套字符的映射 二进制->编码->字符 校对规则(collation) 在字符集内用于比较字符的一套规则 ASCII码 1个字节由8个二进制位组成 1个字节可表示256种不同的状态(256个不同符号) ASCII码规定了128个字符(英文字符和一些标点符号)的编码 ...