首先需要引入UnityEngine.UI和TMPro命名空间,然后创建一个InputField对象,并为其添加一个TextMeshPro组件。接下来,可以通过以下代码实现复制粘贴功能: csharp using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using TMPro; public class CopyPasteTextMeshPro : MonoBehaviour { public TMP_InputField inputField; void Update(...
在Unity中访问TM Pro InputField的text属性,可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,确保你已经在Unity中安装了TextMeshPro插件。你可以在Unity Asset Store中搜索并下载安装TextMeshPro。 在Unity中创建一个UI界面,可以使用Canvas和EventSystem等组件来构建。 在UI界面上添加一个TM Pro InputField组件。你可以在Unity的菜单栏中选...
This is an example of using the <#ffffff>TextMesh<#40a0ff>Pro</color></color> <#ffff00>maxVisibleCharacters</color> and <#ffff00>maxVisibleLines</color> properties to control how many characters or lines of text will be displayed. This can be used to create <#80ff80>Reveal</color>...
TextMeshPro包括几个自定义着色器和一个自定义材质编辑器,通过这些暴露出来的属性可以对材质进行修改。 着色器(Shader) TMP有两组着色器,包括位图着色器(Bitmap shader)和一些有向距离场(SDF,Signed Distance Field)着色器,默认使用的是SDF着色器,这些Shader保存在TextMeshPro -> Shaders文件夹中。 所有的Shader都...
TextMeshPro是Unity收购的一个第三方插件,可以解决文字渲染的很多问题,可以替换UI Text。比如UI Text就没办法对文字加入特效。 比起UGUI的Text控件,Textmesh pro有着许多优势。它使用Signed Distance Field(SDF)即有向距离场作为主要的文本渲染管线,在不同的分辨率和不同的位置下都能渲染出清晰的文本,而且它通过不同...
(newText);// Clear Input FieldTMP_ChatInput.text=string.Empty;vartimeNow=System.DateTime.Now;TMP_ChatOutput.text+="[<#FFFF80>"+timeNow.Hour.ToString("d2")+":"+timeNow.Minute.ToString("d2")+":"+timeNow.Second.ToString("d2")+"</color>] "+newText+"\n";TMP_ChatInput.Activate...
You should be able to access the correct string by referencing the Text Mesh Pro Input Field component, as opposed to the text component which is displaying the input. string text = tmp_inputField.text; This is standard practice because the the display text often alters the ac...
text-mesh-pro Paiman Roointan 241 askedJul 23 at 2:54 0votes 0answers 21views In Unity, how to make World Space XR UI Canvas Scale with the Child Input Field TMP? I have an XR UI canvas that is set to World Space. It has a child object which is an Input Field. If the text ...
Assembly: Unity.TextMeshPro.dllSyntax[AddComponentMenu("UI/TextMeshPro - Input Field", 11)] [HelpURL("https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.textmeshpro@3.2")] public class TMP_InputField : Selectable, IUpdateSelectedHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IPointerClick...
Enter any supported rich text tags in the TextMeshPro Text input field, inline with the text you want to display.To disable rich text for a TextMesh Pro object:Open the TextMesh Pro GameObject in the Inspector, and disable the Text Mesh Pro > Extra Settings > Rich Text...