Text Generation Inference(TGI)是HuggingFace推出的大模型推理部署框架,支持主流大模型和主流大模型量化方案,相对其他大模型推理框架框架TGI的特色是联用Rust和Python达到服务效率和业务灵活性的平衡。 因为工作需要,笔者对TGI的源码进行过一定的阅读和修改。在这个系列文章中对TGI的设计进行分析,以期能给类似需求的朋友提供...
In this guide, we're going to perform text generation using GPT-2 as well as EleutherAI models using the Huggingface Transformers library in Python.The below table shows some of the useful models along with their number of parameters and size, I suggest you choose the largest you can fit ...
# 位于 server/text_generation_server/models/custom_modeling/flash_llama_modeling.py class LlamaMLP(nn.Module): # __init__()的逻辑在上文注释过,这里不重复注释 def __init__(self, prefix, config, weights): super().__init__() act = config.hidden_act self.act = () # 参数省略 # Fuse...
Model definition in model.py, generation code in generate.py. python generate.py --compile --checkpoint_path checkpoints/$MODEL_REPO/model.pth --prompt "Hello, my name is" To squeeze out a little bit more performance, you can also compile the prefill with --compile_prefill. This will inc...
TextGen: Implementation of Text Generation models, include LLaMA, BLOOM, GPT2, BART, T5, SongNet and so on. 文本生成模型,实现了包括LLaMA,ChatGLM,BLOOM,GPT2,Seq2Seq,BART,T5,UDA等模型的训练和预测,开箱即用。 - chenshaui/textgen
python -u run_generation.py --benchmark -m meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --num-beams 4 --num-iter 10 --batch-size 1 --input-tokens 1024 --max-new-tokens 128 --device xpu --ipex --dtype float16 --token-latency The argument to pay attention to is the device where we specifyxpuin...
# 位于 server/text_generation_server/utils/weights.pydefget_multi_weights_row(self,prefix:str,quantize:str):ifquantize=="gptq":# 如果量化方法为“gptq”,从文件加载若干权重,此处逻辑省略 weight=(qweight,qzeros,scales,g_idx,bits,groupsize,use_exllama)elif quantize=="awq":# 与上类似,省略 ...
Text generation with LSTM This notebook contains the code samples found in Chapter 8, Section 1 of Deep Learning with Python. Note that the original text features far more content, in particular further explanations and figures: in this notebook, you will only find source code and related ...
text-generation-webui 前端web UI 界面部署 这里主要讲解text-generation-webui的安装部署使用 gitclone https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui.git 下载到本地有充足空间的位置 text-generation-webui目录结构 网络原因多试几次,建议修改condarc,配置国内镜像源。
推理代码 text-generation-webui 推理模型 Qwen1.5-7B-Chat sys info gpu: Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB python: 3.10 model:Qwen1.5-7B-Chat docker docker run -it --rm --gpus='"device=0,3"' -v /root/wangbing/model/Qwen-7B-Chat/V1/:/data/mlops/modelDir -v /root/wangbing/sftmodel/qwen/V1:...