【PaperReading】Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs with Graph Transformers,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
paper:Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs with Graph Transformers. NAACL 2019 task:graph to text 作者描述的任务是从论文的标题和graph生成该论文的摘要。graph通过另一个专业域的信息抽取工具获得。 端到端模型中,构建了transformer提取graph的特征,而decoder就是普通的LSTM加attention。这篇论文我早些时候专门写...
TextGenerationfromKnowledgeGraphswithGraphTransformers RikKoncel-Kedziorski 1 ,DhanushBekal 1 ,YiLuan 1 ,MirellaLapata 2 ,andHannanehHajishirzi 1,3 1 UniversityofWashington {kedzior,dhanush,luanyi,hannaneh}@uw.edu 2 UniversityofEdinburgh mlap@inf.ed.ac.uk ...
摘要原文 Existing pre-trained models for knowledge-graph-to-text (KG-to-text) generation simply fine-tune text-to-text pre-trained models such as BART or T5 on KG-to-text datasets, which largely ignore the graph structure during encoding and lack elaborate pre-training tasks to explicitly mod...
This repository contains the source code of our paper,Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs with Graph Transformers, which is accepted for publication atNAACL 2019. Instructions Training: python3.6 train.py -save <DIR> Use--helpfor a list of all training options. ...
Name:Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs with Graph Transformers Link:https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.02342 Conference:NAACL 0 Abstract 通过一些句子生成文本需要将这些句子的内容结构化地表示,但是手动构造结构化的表示是非常昂贵的。【如同标数据一样需要巨大代价】本篇论文,我们重点研究了从Information extraction ...
The workshop welcomes a broad range of papers including full research papers, negative results, position papers, dataset, and system demos examining the wide range of issues and processes related to knowledge graphs generation from text corpora including, but not limited to entity linking, relation ...
Welcome! kg-gen helps you extract knowledge graphs from any plain text using AI. It can process both small and large text inputs, and it can also handle messages in a conversation format.Why generate knowledge graphs? kg-gen is great if you want to:Create...
Data-to-text generation has recently seen a move away from modular and pipeline architectures towards end-to-end architectures based on neural networks. In this work, we employ knowledge graph embeddings and explore their utility for end-to-end approaches in a data-to-text generation task. Our...
Python-based web application developed by@yoheinakajimato demonstrate a new UI pattern for text-to-knowledge graph generation. This project is a quick hack and not intended to be a robust framework, but a simple UI idea for dynamically highlighting the text input when generating knowledge graphs....