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Oct 14, 2012 rulesel.tex All flowcharts rewritten in tikz. Apr 8, 2013 setspace.sty Initial revision Oct 14, 2011 Repository files navigation README This is my master thesis about regular language complexity on elementary cellular automata through adjacency matrix analysis. ...
Okumura, TomohitoOptometry and Vision ScienceOkumura T, Use of Taylor Visagraph II to Evaluate Eye Movements During Reading of Japanese Text, thesis for master of education visual function in learning at Pacific University, 2002
This master thesis opens with a description of several text summarization methods based on machine learning approaches inspired by reinforcement learning. While in many cases Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) approaches work well for text summarization, they tend to suffer from poor generalization. We...
Openj-gate Http:// Provides 4350 Open Access Journals of millions of Journal Full-text documents.International and regional digital collections, University of California Http:// University of California international and regional digital collection ...
THE USE OF DISCOURSE MARKERS IN THE BACKGROUND OF THESIS PROPOSALS WRITTEN BY POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Discourse marker affects the logical meaning that is conveyed by an author to the readers. This article reports the analysis of discourse markers inside the background of master thesis proposals. The...
ThesisforMaster’sDegree,ShanxiUniversity,2018 TranslationProblemsofWordsandSentencesinthe ProcessofEnglish-ChineseTranslationandTheir CorrespondingStrategies -ACaseStudyofATextAnalysisinTranslation StudentNameYuanXiaoxuan SupervisorProf.JingSurong Prof.WuShaozhong MajorTranslation SpecialtyEnglishTranslation Department...
parameter and a distance function. The proposed TSC algorithm takes advantage of the recent advances in efficient feature extraction and vector generation from pre-trained bidirectional transformer encoders for creating tolerance classes. Experiments were performed on ten well-researched datasets which ...
Master’s Thesis, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 2019. [Google Scholar] Radnor, M.; Feller, I.; Rogers, E. The Diffusion of Innovations: An Assessment; Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Science and Technology, Northwestern University: California, CA, USA, 1978. [Google Scholar] ...
Master degree thesis. Jilin University. 2019. Han MS. Provenance study through analysis of microstructural characteristics using an optical microscope and scanning electron microscopy for Goryeo celadon excavated from the Seabed. Microsc Microanal. 2013;19:152–6.